Leesie Mappes Leesie Mappes

Revealing your TF

What if I told you that recognizing your Twin Flame isn't as straightforward as it seems? It often begins as a blurry, blinding light in the distance, and only with time and spiritual growth does it come into focus. In this blog post, we'll explore the journey of identifying Twin Flames, the importance of the revealing process, and the role of false Twin Flames on this remarkable path to divine love.

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Leesie Mappes Leesie Mappes

What Are Twin Flames?

In essence, you and your Twin Flame are already perfect and whole in divine perfection, and your primary challenge is to release the belief that you are in any way separate from one another. Your Twin Flame is divinely created by a higher power at the exact same moment as you, designed to be your soul's highest and most perfect eternal complement.

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Leesie Mappes Leesie Mappes

Twin Flames are real.

In today's live class with Jeff and Shaleia, they shared that Twin Flames aren't just about having a good relationship; they're about a Divine relationship - an absolutely Perfect relationship in every way. In Twin Flame Ascension School, they describe building the foundation of your Union as laying the bricks of a palace, like the Taj Mahal, rather than a shack. It takes a lot of effort and work, but the work is doable and easier with the right tools and support, and I can tell you, it's so so so worth investing in the tools and support you need.

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Leesie Mappes Leesie Mappes

We're featured!

Josh and I are featured on the Twi nFlamesUniverse.com website! Come check us out there here:


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Leesie Mappes Leesie Mappes

Life Purpose!

I bid farewell to my moonlighting job at the university! I'm filled with gratitude for Jeff and Shaleia, whose unwavering guidance in Life Purpose Class has illuminated the path to my Life Purpose. It's a new chapter in my life, where I wholeheartedly serve humanity by helping Twin Flames unite in Harmonious Twin Flame Union.

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Leesie Mappes Leesie Mappes

Toxic? Limerence? or TF?

You should understand how to distinguish between Twin Flame, toxic relationship patterns, limerence, and karmic partners. There's one key way to differentiate them, and I'll share it before delving into the details. When it's your true Twin Flame, they will heal alongside you. Your Twin Flame chooses unity with you, so when you prioritize healing, they do too

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Leesie Mappes Leesie Mappes

TF Obsession?

Do you find yourself caught in obsessive thoughts, unable to escape the relentless presence of a particular person?

First and foremost, attempting to halt these thoughts or distance yourself from your Twin Flame journey seldom proves effective. You might manage to distract yourself temporarily, but the thoughts always return. The reason for this continuous fixation is deeply rooted in a spiritual connection.

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Leesie Mappes Leesie Mappes

Physical Being

Today, we'll focus on how to move this energy forward once you become aware of it. In the past, I used to separate my physical body from spirituality, as many others do when they detach themselves from the world in an attempt to ascend. But through practicing the teachings of Union, I've realized that there's just one reality. Your spirit and body are partners in this journey.

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Leesie Mappes Leesie Mappes

The Only Metric

"The metric for your success is this and only this: 'Am I moving through my upset right now?' That's it. That's all you can concern yourself with. You are an eternal being. It doesn't matter how long it takes. That's irrelevant because there's only you and God. That doesn't mean that you are alone - you are obviously not alone in any way, God through All." - Jeff and Shaleia Divine, Twin Flame Ascension School.

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Leesie Mappes Leesie Mappes

Your Choice

Jeff and Shaleia, proclaim a simple yet profound truth: "Only what you choose matters." At the core of this message lies the idea that you have the power to shape your reality through your choices. Every day, you are presented with countless opportunities to decide the direction of your life. Among these choices, two stand out as particularly crucial in the Twin Flame journey: the choice to love and the choice to surrender to God.

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Leesie Mappes Leesie Mappes

Sunday Reading

Stay the course, Twin Flames! Don’t worry about what anyone else says, know your truth.

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Leesie Mappes Leesie Mappes

Angel Numbers

Whether you attribute them to angels, spirit guides, ancestors, or a higher facet of your own consciousness, angel numbers can serve to confirm that you're on the right path, provide valuable insights into complex situations, or shed light on the profound and mystical meanings underlying recurring themes in your life.

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Leesie Mappes Leesie Mappes

Soulmates v TF's

You may have encountered the term "soulmate" in movies or the media. I first heard it when I was a young child, the idea of finding that one special person who is your true love. So, I embarked on a quest to find my Twin Flame, unaware of the concept of a soulmate. However, as time passed, I started noticing signs and synchronicities in my life. I experienced what some call a Kundalini energy awakening, a series of awakenings, and dark nights of the soul. These experiences led me to realize that my connection with someone was different from what I initially thought a soulmate would be.

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Leesie Mappes Leesie Mappes

Thinking of you?

First, look to your external world. Signs and synchronicities may appear. You might hear a song on the radio with a meaningful lyric, notice recurring animal symbols like flamingos, peacocks, or foxes, or encounter angel numbers on license plates or receipts.

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Leesie Mappes Leesie Mappes

More boundaries

I recently stumbled upon a quote by a streamer and Instagram artist named Ro. She said, "If you set boundaries and someone gets annoyed, that means they were benefiting from you not having any boundaries." How true is that? I've experienced this countless times, and it's made me pretty seasoned at handling boundary-setting situations. How can you set better boundaries in your life?

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Leesie Mappes Leesie Mappes

Happily Ever After?

We've all grown up watching Disney movies and reading fairy tales about finding our one true love, our "happily ever after." But let's be real – life isn't always a fairy tale. ...But what if we told you that you don't have to settle for a lukewarm relationship? What if your Twin Flame is out there, waiting to set your world on fire in a way you've never imagined?

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Leesie Mappes Leesie Mappes

2 Waves of Change

Things that no longer serve your highest good begin to fall away. Friends and family may distance themselves, and you might even lose your job. But fear not; this is the universe's way of clearing space for what truly aligns with your soul's purpose.

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Leesie Mappes Leesie Mappes

Go All-In

Many people have heard the discouraging notion that they are not meant to be with their Twin Flame in this lifetime. Let me be clear: that belief is unfounded. You are designed to be with your Twin Flame in all dimensions, both 3D and 5D, right here on Earth. I, too, experienced separation from my Twin Flame, Josh, and I want to emphasize that there is a path to Union, but it requires commitment and a willingness to undergo a transformative process.

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