Physical Being

The nature of reality is a fundamental aspect to consider. You might have heard that you are a spiritual being having a human experience, and that's absolutely true. However, your physical body and existence in this world are also divine and follow a divine order. This world was created by divinity, not just a product of imagination and fear.

In this reality, you create your experiences through your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs, both consciously and subconsciously. Sometimes, it may feel like things are happening to you, especially those things you dislike. It can seem like you're not in control. However, it's essential to remember that your subconscious mind also plays a significant role in shaping your reality. But that's a topic for another time.

Today, we'll focus on how to move this energy forward once you become aware of it. In the past, I used to separate my physical body from spirituality, as many others do when they detach themselves from the world in an attempt to ascend. But through practicing the teachings of Union, I've realized that there's just one reality. Your spirit and body are partners in this journey.

If you're currently going through a painful separation on your twin flame journey, I want to offer a simple solution: exercise. It doesn't matter if you can run a marathon or simply walk for five minutes; moving your body can do wonders. Physical activity has both physical and vibrational effects. Your body and your spiritual journey are intertwined, so taking care of your physical health is essential.

I personally make it a point to go for a daily walk, and I'm even incorporating more weight training. Your body is the temple of your soul in this lifetime. Neglecting it can lead to physical discomfort that can impact your inner work. For instance, I went through chemotherapy two years ago, and it made me realize that I had been neglecting my body during my spiritual journey. This twin flame journey is comprehensive, encompassing your entire life. It's not just about reuniting with your ultimate love in harmony, although that is part of it. It's about inclusivity.

During my chemotherapy, I made it a routine to walk daily, even if it was just a 3.5-mile walk. It helped me both physically and spiritually. Moving your body releases endorphins and sends a signal to stagnant parts of your consciousness to start moving. But remember, balance is key. Some people exercise rigorously, while others start with gentle walks or exercise videos. Don't do it for external validation; do it for your energy and overall well-being.

Don't upset your body's balance, and remember that this is a process, not a sprint. Balance is essential in all aspects of your twin flame journey, just as it is in physical fitness. Don't overwhelm yourself by trying to do too much too soon. Instead, find a balance that works for you.


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