Soulmates v TF's

You may have encountered the term "soulmate" in movies or the media. I first heard it when I was a young child, the idea of finding that one special person who is your true love. So, I embarked on a quest to find my Twin Flame, unaware of the concept of a soulmate. However, as time passed, I started noticing signs and synchronicities in my life. I experienced what some call a Kundalini energy awakening, a series of awakenings, and dark nights of the soul. These experiences led me to realize that my connection with someone was different from what I initially thought a soulmate would be.

I had been in numerous relationships because I was convinced that I was seeking the one with whom I'd spend my life, serving humanity and sharing our existence as one. I believed this person to be my Twin Flame, but there was something even more profound than that. So, let's begin by understanding what a soulmate truly is.

A soulmate is typically defined as a person with whom you share a deep affinity. It could be a family member, a child, a friend, or a romantic partner. It doesn't necessarily have to be romantic. Soulmates are individuals who journey alongside you for a certain period on Earth, and eventually, that connection may come to an end. While some soulmates remain close for an extended period, others gradually drift apart. Nonetheless, soulmates hold a significant place in your life.

Now, let's move on to Twin Flames. Your Twin Flame is your perfect vibrational match. This doesn't mean they are your identical copy; rather, it's a profound energetic connection. It's about complementing each other, like the pieces of a puzzle coming together. Your Twin Flame is the one with whom you feel the deepest sense of belonging, where everything just clicks. This connection feels eternal, and unlike soulmates, it doesn't wane with time.

Twin Flames are often misunderstood by those who are not on the Twin Flame journey. Some people perceive it as an exaggerated or obsessive relationship, but this is far from the truth. In my personal experience, I've been in many relationships, some long-lasting and others short-lived. I've experienced strong emotions in those relationships, but they eventually reached a point where the idealized image I projected onto my partner faded away, leading to the end of the relationship.

However, with my Twin Flame, it was different. Despite the challenges and the mirroring effect, the connection only grew stronger over time. This is a fundamental aspect of Twin Flames—they mirror your inner journey. They reflect your choices and decisions back to you on a spiritual level. This process can be challenging, but it leads to profound growth and healing.

Your Twin Flame shares the same vision for life as you do. This vision may require some introspection to clarify, as it should be authentic and not influenced by societal expectations. Your Twin Flame is your divine mirror, reflecting your true self. When you make choices aligned with love and authenticity, your Twin Flame often makes similar choices simultaneously.

Choosing your Twin Flame is a natural connection that unfolds as you follow your own path of self-discovery and self-love. It's about being open to love and willing to do the inner work, ultimately attracting your Twin Flame through personal growth, rather than trying to control or manipulate the relationship.

This journey is about healing and becoming more secure and whole within yourself. Your Twin Flame is not a separate entity; they share the same soul blueprint as you. They are your perfect counterpart, and this journey is a path to self-discovery and self-love. It's not a choice you make but a connection that reveals itself as you align with your true self.


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