Thinking of you?

Here are SIGNS your Twin Flame is thinking of you:

First, look to your external world. Signs and synchronicities may appear. You might hear a song on the radio with a meaningful lyric, notice recurring animal symbols like flamingos, peacocks, or foxes, or encounter angel numbers on license plates or receipts. Frequent sightings of 11:11 on the clock could also signal their thoughts. It's not necessarily that your Twin Flame's conscious mind is thinking of you, but rather that the higher, divine self shared with your Twin Flame is connecting with you.

Another sign is a warm feeling in your heart and a sense of peace and love toward them or a general feeling of oneness with the universe. This indicates that your Twin Flame may be experiencing similar emotions. You and your twin flame share a soul blueprint, meaning you make core choices simultaneously.

However, holding onto resentment or negative emotions toward your Twin Flame won't attract them closer. Like attracts like, so when you feel positive about them, they're likely feeling the same about you. Superficial blocks may exist, but at the core, you're aligned in your choice to be together.

Addressing the subconscious mind is crucial. Your subconscious beliefs and thoughts can drive your actions, even if you're not consciously aware of them. By bringing these beliefs into your conscious awareness through practices like the mirror exercise, you can purify your consciousness and attract your twin flame. Your Twin Flame doesn't come into your life as a separate entity; they are revealed to you as you purify your consciousness.

Lastly, if you feel a sense of lack, missing your Twin Flame, remember that they are already one with you in essence. The illusion of separation can repel them, so focus on union and practicing the mirror exercise to overcome these feelings.


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