TF Obsession?

Do you find yourself caught in obsessive thoughts, unable to escape the relentless presence of a particular person?

First and foremost, attempting to halt these thoughts or distance yourself from your Twin Flame journey seldom proves effective. You might manage to distract yourself temporarily, but the thoughts always return. The reason for this continuous fixation is deeply rooted in a spiritual connection. Your Twin Flame is meant to be with you; they are your perfect match, your Divine counterpart. Your subconscious and conscious mind are working in tandem, trying to grab your attention, signaling that there's something that needs resolution. When you can't stop thinking about someone or something, it signifies its profound importance in your life.

So, what should you do? Well, instead of trying to eliminate these thoughts altogether, focus on healing. The key lies in addressing the root cause. It's not about erasing that person from your life; it's about understanding how to heal.

During the early stages of my Twin Flame journey, I grappled with obsessive thoughts about my Twin Flame. I desperately wanted to be with them, constantly devising strategies to communicate or getting upset when they occupied my thoughts and dreams. However, it doesn't have to be this way for you. You can reach a point where you no longer fixate on your Twin Flame constantly, and this is achieved by resolving the separation consciousness.

To begin, you must gain a deeper understanding of the dynamics of Twin Flames. This knowledge is something you can't self-teach; it requires guidance. I recommend starting with the book 'Twin Flames: Finding Your Ultimate Lover. Additionally, you can access a free introductory Twin Flame Ascension course by signing up with just your name and email. This course consists of eight lessons that will provide you with essential insights into Twin Flames and their unique dynamics.

Remember, you can't force yourself to stop thinking about your Twin Flame, but knowing that there is a healing path available will bring you much-needed peace. Those obsessive thoughts will gradually subside because you'll have the assurance that you're on the right track. This path is known as the 'Teachings of Union,' which help you realize that your Twin Flame is not separate from you. Your thoughts persist because you harbor a deep belief that they are separate from you, but in reality, they are one with you.

One effective method in the Teachings of Union is the 'Mirror Exercise.' No, you don't need an actual mirror for this; it's a four-step written process. You begin by writing down what is troubling you. For instance, if your Twin Flame is not communicating with you, you write, 'I'm upset because my Twin Flame is not talking to me.' In step two, you turn the pronouns into nouns pointing at yourself, making it, 'I'm upset because I'm not connecting with a part of myself.' This process allows you to identify the part of yourself that feels disconnected and give it the connection it needs. Step three acknowledges the truth of this disconnect, and step four involves giving yourself the love and connection you need, using your imagination. It may be visualizing a warm hug or an enjoyable dinner date with your Twin Flame.

You might think this sounds like make-believe, but what you're truly seeking is a feeling – the feeling of being loved, chosen, claimed, connected, important, respected, honored, and cherished. These feelings reside within you, and by giving them to yourself, you influence your external reality. Your thoughts and emotions shape your world, and by nurturing yourself from within, you'll see this transformation in your external circumstances.


Toxic? Limerence? or TF?


Physical Being