Twin Flames are real.

Twin Flames are real.

In today's live class with Jeff and Shaleia, they shared that Twin Flames aren't just about having a good relationship; they're about a Divine relationship - an absolutely Perfect relationship in every way. In Twin Flame Ascension School, they describe building the foundation of your Union as laying the bricks of a palace, like the Taj Mahal, rather than a shack. It takes a lot of effort and work, but the work is doable and easier with the right tools and support, and I can tell you, it's so so so worth investing in the tools and support you need.

Many people in the world are so used to settling. That's all they've been taught, that you cant have what you desire. But some of you who are here, are here because you want that Divine Union with your Ultimate Lover, your Twin Flame, and that you will have as you do the work and are open to learning and being guided.

More and more true Twin Flames from the Twin Flames Universe community are healing into Union, living as One, and even getting engaged and married! The "world," who can be jaded and doubtful about true love, will say Twin Flames are impossible to be together...or that they aren't real, they say. They will try to convince you that you can't have what you say you have because they don't yet have it.

But Harmonious Twin Flame Union is real, and is for everyone who chooses it. There's a path to walk and it is entirely possible for you in this lifetime to be with your Perfect Partner by practicing these Teachings of Union, by adopting them as a way of life. Watch Twin Flame Ascension School, work regularly with your Ascension Coach, and practice the Mirror Exercise and you will cultivate the life of your dreams, the life that continues to unfold eternally for you.

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