What Are Twin Flames?

Twin Flames originate from the same core soul essence, or more precisely, they share an identical soul blueprint. Think of a soul blueprint as akin to physical DNA, containing individualized codes, qualities, and traits that make each person distinctly themselves. Just as the saying "as above, so below" illustrates a universal principle, we possess a spiritual and non-physical "soul DNA" alongside our physical genetics that define who we are.

To draw a parallel, consider how physically identical twins possess the same genetic DNA, whereas Twin Flames share an identical soul "DNA" or soul blueprint. Yet, similar to how identical twins are unique individuals despite sharing physical DNA, Twin Flames also exhibit uniqueness among themselves even though they share the same soul blueprint. This distinctiveness arises from the fact that together, they complement the one soul blueprint rather than being mere duplicates of it.

Imagine your Twin Flame Union as the ancient yin-yang symbol: one half embodies the divine masculine, while the other embodies the divine feminine. The small circles within each half symbolize the profound truth that you are not separate but rather unified as a whole. This is a fundamental explanation for the intense attraction and longing you feel for your Twin Flame; you both are made from the same spiritual essence. It's also the reason why a true "merging" with your Twin Flame is improbable, as you are already complete and whole in divine perfection, united as one, just like the yin-yang symbol suggests. The sensation you experience when you consciously connect with your Twin Flame energy is, in fact, your Twin Flame Union energy, your shared soul blueprint, rather than a fusion of separate entities. You can't merge with someone when you are already one with them.

In essence, you and your Twin Flame are already perfect and whole in divine perfection, and your primary challenge is to release the belief that you are in any way separate from one another. Your Twin Flame is divinely created by a higher power at the exact same moment as you, designed to be your soul's highest and most perfect eternal complement.

Read more in the book, Twin Flames: Finding Your Ultimate Lover by Jeff and Shaleia.


Revealing your TF


Twin Flames are real.