DF Reading


(From the Divine Feminine Oracle)

  1. Miao Shan, the Princess of Mercy, reminds us to trust in the boundless love of the Universe. Embrace this love and allow it to flow through you, sharing your gifts generously with the world.

  2. Thecla, it's time to reclaim your power. Remember that with God, you are always in your full power. Release the grip of fear and choose to see that you are eternally supported and safe, for the Divine is ever-present by your side.

  3. The Black Madonna, often known as the Lady of the Hermits, advises that instead of seeking external solutions, turn your gaze inward. The answers you seek reside within you, and through the transformative Mirror Exercise, you can transmute any challenges.

  4. Marguerite Porete encourages you to embrace your inherent Divinity. You are undeniably divine! If you find it challenging to accept this truth, consider exploring the Twin Flame Romance in Sedona Workshop, available at this link: Twin Flames Universe Workshop.


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