More boundaries

I recently stumbled upon a quote by a streamer and Instagram artist named Ro. She said, "If you set boundaries and someone gets annoyed, that means they were benefiting from you not having any boundaries." How true is that? I've experienced this countless times, and it's made me pretty seasoned at handling boundary-setting situations.

Sometimes, when you set boundaries, it can make someone angry because they can no longer treat you poorly. Surprisingly, it's often easier to set boundaries with someone who isn't treating you well than with someone who's treating you mostly okay. Why? Well, because we're often afraid of upsetting the apple cart and losing someone if they get mad and decide to leave. But pause for a moment and think about it.

If someone genuinely cares about you, loves you, and wants to be your friend, they should respect your boundaries. If they get mad, upset, and walk away because you set boundaries, were they truly your friend or lover to begin with? It's a tough question, but an essential one to ask.

Now, let's talk about Twin Flames. Setting boundaries isn't all that different from setting boundaries with anyone else, be it a parent, teacher, friend, or colleague. When something doesn't feel right, when it makes you uncomfortable, you have every right to say, "Could you please not do that?" And if they continue or gaslight you, telling you that you're wrong or to shut up, that's not okay - it's abusive.

So, to those of you who are a bit hesitant about setting boundaries, remember this: You shouldn't be afraid, and you shouldn't want people around who treat you badly. You are a divine being, whole and complete in yourself. Your relationship with the universe, God, or whatever you believe in doesn't require another person to be your source of goodness or companionship. You don't need them.

Setting boundaries isn't about making someone else feel bad; it's about keeping the love in for yourself and keeping unwanted behaviors out. If someone is your friend and you kindly ask them not to do something that bothers you, and they respect your request, that's great. You're not trying to hurt them; you're just communicating how you feel.

But what if they say, "No, I'm just being nice"? Well, if they don't respect your boundaries, you may need to reconsider the relationship. Boundaries are a two-way street, and if someone isn't willing to listen, it's your responsibility to find another solution, even if it means distancing yourself from them.

Now, let's circle back to Twin Flames. If your Twin Flame isn't respecting your boundaries, remember that they are your Divine Mirror. They're reflecting where you might not be respecting your own boundaries. So, instead of trying to force them to change, change what you do. Love and honor yourself, and if they continue to disrespect you, maintain your boundaries.

I once had a situation with my Twin Flame where he wasn't respecting me. Instead of engaging in a fruitless argument, I chose to step away from the conversation or the room until I had resolved things within myself. I took that opportunity to go deeper and heal on a profound level.

Remember, as you change your perspective about yourself and realize that you deserve respect and honor, your Twin Flame is likely to change their perspective about you too. Healing occurs together, and it starts with loving and respecting yourself.

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Happily Ever After?