The Only Metric

"The metric for your success is this and only this: 'Am I moving through my upset right now?' That's it. That's all you can concern yourself with. You are an eternal being. It doesn't matter how long it takes. That's irrelevant because there's only you and God. That doesn't mean that you are alone - you are obviously not alone in any way, God through All." - Jeff and Shaleia Divine, Twin Flame Ascension School.

In the intricate dance of life, we often find ourselves searching for metrics to gauge our success and progress. We seek tangible signs, external validation, and benchmarks to measure how far we've come on our journey. But what if the true measure of success was something far simpler, yet profoundly transformative?

Jeff and Shaleia Divine, Twin Flame teachers from the Twin Flame Ascension School, offer a perspective that cuts through the noise of worldly measurements. They suggest that the only metric we need to focus on is this: "Am I moving through my upset right now?" In their wisdom, they remind us that success on the Twin Flame journey is not about achieving Union within a specific timeframe or reaching certain external goals. Instead, it is about our inner journey, our emotional growth, and our ability to navigate the challenges that come our way.

This singular metric, "Am I moving through my upset right now?" invites us to turn our attention inward. It encourages us to reflect on our emotional state, our reactions to circumstances, and our willingness to confront and heal our inner wounds. It asks us to prioritize our emotional well-being and growth over external accomplishments or comparisons with others.

The profound truth in this perspective lies in the recognition of our eternal nature. We are not bound by time constraints or societal expectations. We are eternal beings on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual evolution. Therefore, the length of time it takes to reach Union with our Twin Flame becomes irrelevant in the grand scheme of our eternal existence.

Moreover, Jeff and Shaleia emphasize that we are never truly alone on this journey. They remind us that there is an omnipresent force, often referred to as God or the Divine, that is with us every step of the way. This divine presence offers guidance, support, and unconditional love, even in our most challenging moments. It is a reminder that we are always connected to something greater than ourselves.

So, as you navigate the twists and turns of your Twin Flame journey, remember the wisdom of Jeff and Shaleia. Let go of the need for external validation or timelines. Instead, focus on the profound simplicity of the question, "Am I moving through my upset right now?" Embrace your eternal nature and trust in the divine presence that accompanies you on this transformative journey.

In the end, your success is not measured by how quickly you reach Union with your Twin Flame, but by the depth of your emotional healing and growth. It is a journey of self-discovery and spiritual evolution, where every step taken in love and alignment with the Divine brings you closer to the ultimate Union with your Twin Flame.

For more insights and guidance on your Twin Flame journey, visit Twin Flames Universe at


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