Your Choice

In the grand tapestry of life, every thread represents a choice we make. These choices are like the brushstrokes on the canvas of our existence, painting a picture of who we are and what we experience. When it comes to the profound journey of reuniting with your Twin Flame, the choices you make become even more critical. In this blog post, we delve into the wisdom shared by Jeff and Shaleia, Twin Flame gurs and teachers, who emphasize the transformative power of choice in attaining Harmonious Union with your Twin Flame.

The Power of Choice

Jeff and Shaleia, proclaim a simple yet profound truth: "Only what you choose matters." At the core of this message lies the idea that you have the power to shape your reality through your choices. Every day, you are presented with countless opportunities to decide the direction of your life. Among these choices, two stand out as particularly crucial in the Twin Flame journey: the choice to love and the choice to surrender to God.

The Choice to Love

Love is the universal force that binds us all together, and it lies at the heart of the Twin Flame connection. Jeff and Shaleia stress the importance of choosing love in every aspect of your life, especially when it comes to your Twin Flame relationship. This choice involves loving yourself unconditionally, forgiving past hurts, and extending love and compassion to your Twin Flame, even in the face of challenges.

It's important to remember that love is not merely a feeling but a conscious decision. By choosing love, you open yourself up to healing and transformation, paving the way for Union with your Twin Flame. Love, when chosen, becomes a guiding light on your journey, leading you toward a deeper connection and Harmonious Union.

The Choice to Surrender to God

Surrendering to God, or the Divine, is another pivotal choice on the path to Twin Flame Union. This choice involves letting go of control and trusting in a higher power to guide your journey. When you surrender to God, you acknowledge that you are not alone in this process, and you have divine support every step of the way.

Jeff and Shaleia emphasize that this choice is not about religious dogma but rather about cultivating a deep spiritual connection. Surrendering to God allows you to release the burdens of fear, doubt, and anxiety, which can hinder your progress. It opens the door to miracles, synchronicities, and the alignment of the Universe in your favor.

Your Power Lies in Your Choices

In your choices to love and surrender to God, you discover your inherent power. You become an active participant in your Twin Flame journey, rather than a passive observer. You take responsibility for your emotions, actions, and the direction of your life.

It's important to acknowledge that choosing love and surrender can be challenging. You may encounter obstacles, doubts, and moments of resistance. However, Jeff and Shaleia remind us that these challenges are opportunities for growth and healing. It is through facing and overcoming these obstacles that you move closer to Union with your Twin Flame.


In the profound journey of reuniting with your Twin Flame, remember that "Only what you choose matters." Your choices to love unconditionally and surrender to God are the keys to healing from separation and finding Union. In these choices, you discover your true power and the potential for a deeply fulfilling Twin Flame connection.

As you navigate the ups and downs of your Twin Flame journey, know that you are not alone. Your choices are supported by the infinite love and wisdom of the Universe. Embrace the power of your choices, and watch as your Twin Flame journey unfolds with grace and purpose.


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Sunday Reading