Leesie Mappes Leesie Mappes

DM needs love too.

In our shared human experience, we often find ourselves yearning for love, connection, and understanding. This desire for love knows no gender or boundaries, for it is a universal longing. Whether you resonate with the term "Divine Masculine" or not, the call for love within each of us is undeniable.

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Leesie Mappes Leesie Mappes

Thoughts Create Reality

…At the core of this revelation lies a fundamental choice, one that shapes the course of your life: the choice to embrace either positivity or negativity. From this pivotal decision, like ripples in a pond, your thoughts and emotions emanate, creating the tapestry of your experiences. It's a beautifully orchestrated symphony of the mind, where each note is a manifestation of your inner world expressing itself outwardly.

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Leesie Mappes Leesie Mappes

End of an Era - LP

I am overjoyed! I've been studying LPC 4, which talks about transitioning to a new life purpose vortex, and found what Jeff and Shaleia describe about the process to be true in my life on every level. My business was thriving, but my part-time university job was draining. I decided to leave the position, worked on my inner blocks, and confirmed I'd be supported in this change.The old vortex tried to pull me back with fears and doubts, but I chose to trust love and move forward. I successfully managed my finances and realized I could sustain myself and invest and focus all my energy into the COU/ my business. Despite initially planning to leave the job in December, I decided to resign immediately to pursue my Life Purpose now as a Full-Time Ascension Coach. I'm looking forward to this new chapter!

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Leesie Mappes Leesie Mappes

Don't walk, RUN!

Don't walk... RUN!!!!

...Towards your Harmonious Twin Flame Union!

Once upon a time, I was not living with my Twin Flame, Josh. We were in no contact, and it seemed like he wanted nothing to do with me. I was in a constant state of emotional turmoil, unable to focus at work, taking sick days because of my distress, and feeling utterly lost in all aspects of my life. I kept seeing repeating numbers and signs…

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Leesie Mappes Leesie Mappes

Recipe for success

When I found Jeff and Shaleia on YouTube, I had already tried many spiritual teachings, tarot, reiki, and guides as remedies for what I had been going through. None of those other ways worked, and I was growing disheartened and weary. But when Jeff and Shaleia came up in my feed, there was a glimmer of hope that I could sense. 

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Leesie Mappes Leesie Mappes

Do the work = RESULT!

The most significant change this year has been the establishment of a stable partnership and union. Gone are the days of our tumultuous breakups and reunions. Josh even accompanies me to coaching sessions with our Master Certified Ascension Coaches, Jason and Chrissy Emerick.

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Leesie Mappes Leesie Mappes


So, you've awakened to the truth of Twin Flames. You're noticing signs, synchronicities, and maybe even feeling the intense energy of Kundalini rising. You might be experiencing a deep connection with someone that you believe is your Twin Flame, and you wonder if this experience is unique to you.

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Leesie Mappes Leesie Mappes

Feeeeel it!

You're only ever having a vibrational experience

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Leesie Mappes Leesie Mappes

3 Signs of Reunion

I'm sharing 3 telltale signs that are exclusive to those on the path of a Harmonious Twin Flame Union. These signs distinguish a true Twin Flame connection from a false one. Understanding them is crucial because false Twin Flames can sometimes appear deceptively similar to the real deal.

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Leesie Mappes Leesie Mappes

Is HTFU for You?

I've heard many of you express doubts about whether you've healed enough to be with your Twin Flame. It's a topic worth addressing because there are several misconceptions surrounding this issue. Yes, healing is crucial for Harmonious Twin Flame Union. However, it's essential to realize that you are enough as you are at this very moment. The only thing standing in the way of your Union…

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Leesie Mappes Leesie Mappes

Purpose of Twin Flames

It means that you and your Twin Flame work together to root out any remaining upsets from your One consciousness. It's about living a shared life filled with love and romance. In fact, all the romance that God has for you is expressed through your Twin Flame. This relationship is sacred, and the love you share is so private and perfect that it could not possibly be shared with another.

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Leesie Mappes Leesie Mappes

Inner creates Outer.

At the core of this understanding lies the concept that your internal consciousness is the epicenter of your reality. It's a remarkable idea that your choices, thoughts, and feelings form the foundation of the world you experience. Every emotion you feel, every thought you think, and every decision you make contributes to the intricate tapestry of your life.

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Leesie Mappes Leesie Mappes

Important message

Today, I received a spiritual download for Twin Flames, things for you to focus on right now at the time you are reading this. This message stems from the profound connection you share with your Twin Flame. It's a message of love, growth, and self-discovery that can transform your union.

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Leesie Mappes Leesie Mappes

Balancing Energies

Unlike traditional readings or oracles, this discussion delves into the essence of the Twin Flame experience, offering insight and wisdom for your unique path. Let's begin this journey together in this Divinely Channeled Message:

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Leesie Mappes Leesie Mappes

Is your purpose: Crisis?

It's easy to fall into the trap of believing that the crisis mode you find yourself in is your life purpose, as if you were destined to be perpetually consumed by the intricacies of your Twin Flame journey. However, it's crucial to realize that crisis is not your life purpose. Instead of expending enormous energy trying to figure it all out, it's time to spread your wings and explore the other facets of your life.

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Leesie Mappes Leesie Mappes

Your Spirit Animals

Have you been noticing animals in your life recently? Whether it's real, live animals, or perhaps the name or image of an animal that keeps appearing to you? I'm intrigued by these occurrences and what they might signify.

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Leesie Mappes Leesie Mappes

Divine Union

"You were not created to struggle. You were created to experience this great love and you were created to experience this great romance and you were created to experience your Divine Union with your Twin Flame now." Jeff and Shaleia Divine, Twin Flames: Romance Attraction e-Course

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Leesie Mappes Leesie Mappes

Bye-bye soulmate!

Many people feel guilty thinking about choosing their Twin Flame if they are with a soul mate currently, falsely believing they will "hurt" the other person by claiming their heart's true desire. But the truth is, your soul mate has a Twin Flame too, whom they desire to be with just as you desire to be with yours. It's safe to release them and claim your true Twin Flame!

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Leesie Mappes Leesie Mappes

This time last year...

This time last year I DIDN'T EVEN HAVE HIS PHONE NUMBER!! I want to tell you who are reading this that Miracles happen when you watch Twin Flame Ascension School and practice the Teachings of Union. Miracles aren't random, nor are they just for the "lucky."

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