Twin Flame Intimacy Workshop

September 28, 4:00 - 6:00 PM EST (Recording Available)

“Romance is sparked when we reveal our soul to another.”

- Jeff and Shaleia Divine

Date: September 28, 2024
Time: 4:00 PM Eastern Time
Location: Zoom

Enrollment: $59

Recording available for those who cannot attend live

When you think of intimacy, what comes to mind? Most people are taught it's all about the physical. Mainstream media suggests intimacy is about the "perfect" body or wild, fleeting passion. But deep down, you know there's something more, something sacred calling you to go beyond the surface.

If you’re feeling stuck in the friendzone, in no-contact, or have outdated beliefs about sexual union based on what the world teaches and just want to learn a better way to invoke great romance based on Unconditional Love, this workshop is for you.

We'll explore the essence of Divine Sexuality and Intimacy within the sacred bond of Twin Flame Union.

“We can't be intimate with another person if we're not being intimate with ourselves, romantically, and otherwise.”

You don't need your Twin Flame to be present to benefit from this transformative experience.

What You’ll Learn:

  • Deepen Your Connection: Discover how to strengthen the bond with your Twin Flame, even if you're currently in separation.

  • Communicate Desires with Confidence: Learn how to express your deepest desires without fear, fostering a space of trust and understanding.

  • Create Emotional Safety through Vulnerability: Build a foundation of emotional security where both you and your Twin Flame can be your truest selves.

  • Reignite Passion and Romance: Rekindle the flame of love and passion, bringing new life to your Union.

  • Uncover Core Desires and Fantasies: Explore your authentic desires, free from the influence of societal expectations and cultural norms around sexuality.

“Imagine receiving what you desire and say yes.

Say yes to calm, yes to love, yes to romance, yes to peace, yes to trust, yes to surrender, yes to your happiness.”

- Jeff and Shaleia Divine

This workshop offers a unique focus on how Divine Sexuality manifests in a Twin Flame Union.

NOTE: We will not perform any physical demonstrations, nor will we discuss any tantric methods, nor give advice on private physical techniques. The true essence of this workshop is to guide you to understand the deep meaning of sex and intimacy as it relates to you and your Twin Flame on a Soul Level. From that place of deep knowing, your sex life with your Twin Flame - in person or otherwise - will become enriched and prosper.

Don’t miss this opportunity to elevate your connection and create a deeper, more intimate bond with your Twin Flame.

Reserve your spot now

Looking for a workshop on a particular topic on Twin Flames? Let me know! Many workshop topics are generated by client suggestions! Let me take you deeper on what you desire!