We're featured!

Josh and I are featured on the Twi nFlamesUniverse.com website! Come check us out there here:


Here’s a sneak peak at our story:

“In 2018, Josh and Leesie serendipitously crossed paths at a Reiki gathering. Their connection didn’t burst forth in fireworks but was instead a comforting, strangely familiar sensation—like finding a long-lost home. Surprisingly, the 14-year age gap between them turned out to be inconsequential. An irresistible urge drew them closer, leading them to start as friends, gradually evolving into a profound romantic partnership.

Yet, their journey took a curious turn as they began to encounter the Twin Flame Mirror Effect, where painful misalignments are reflected to each other, and that left them reeling in opposite directions. During this challenging phase, Leesie delved into research and chanced upon the Twin Flame Ascension School. Jeff and Shaleia became their guiding lights, leading them through the intricate process of healing their consciousness, ultimately enabling them to be together, Beloved Josh and Leesie.

Today, Josh and Leesie share one life together, living peacefully under one roof, offering unwavering support to each other. Leesie has embraced her Life Purpose as an Ascension Coach, helping other Twin Flames out of separation and into Harmonious Union, while Josh supports them by tending to their home, cultivating vegetables, mastering culinary artistry, and ensuring a pristine living space. Their journey continues, shaped by the transformative influence of Twin Flames Universe, the compassionate guidance of Jeff and Shaleia, and the unwavering support of the TFU Community. They’re eternally grateful for the love and light that brought them together and sustains their shared path forward.”


Twin Flames are real.


Life Purpose!