Purpose of Twin Flames

You may have read in Jeff and Shaleia’s book, Twin Flames: Finding Your Ultimate Lover, that the purpose of Twin Flames is to live a God-centered life. It means living in perfect harmony and communion with God, with your Twin Flame as One.

It means that you and your Twin Flame work together to root out any remaining upsets from your One consciousness. It's about living a shared life filled with love and romance. In fact, all the romance that God has for you is expressed through your Twin Flame. This relationship is sacred, and the love you share is so private and perfect that it could not possibly be shared with another.

Now, let's dive deeper into the purpose of Harmonious Twin Flame Union, or HTFU. The purpose here is for you and your Twin Flame to live a single life together with a shared purpose.

This doesn't mean you have to be working on the exact same thing at the same time. Instead, it's about building and growing a life together—an eternal life. Remember, as eternal beings, you retain everything if you decide to reincarnate. Not your physical possessions, but the vibration you hold in your heart that attracts all manner of things to you remains until you change it.

So, rest in solace and peace, knowing that you and your Twin Flame get to keep going forever. It's a forever place for your love—an unassailable vessel of protection and security that you can invest in eternally.

The full meaning and purpose of HTFU go beyond what we can discuss here. But within your own Harmonious Twin Flame Union, you can explore its depth and richness.

Ultimately, what we choose to impart to you is not just the concept of Twin Flames, but a journey of discovery and a permanently open state of mind where richer knowledge and awareness can seep in, awakening you to greater expansion.

So, to summarize, the purpose of your Harmonious Twin Flame Union is to share a love of life together forever.

And lastly, remember that the reason why your initial goal is to enter your Harmonious Twin Flame Union permanently is not just to live One life together physically and spiritually, but because your Union is naturally designed to go beyond harmony, into what we call Perfect Union, otherwise known as ascension.


Is HTFU for You?


Inner creates Outer.