Inner creates Outer.

Have you ever wondered why life often seems like a series of external events and circumstances beyond your control? Have you ever found yourself in challenging relationships or situations that trigger your deepest emotions and insecurities? It's time to delve into a profound understanding: your external experience is created within your internal consciousness. This realization can be a powerful catalyst for personal growth and transformation.

Your Internal Consciousness: The Epicenter of Your Reality

At the core of this understanding lies the concept that your internal consciousness is the epicenter of your reality. It's a remarkable idea that your choices, thoughts, and feelings form the foundation of the world you experience. Every emotion you feel, every thought you think, and every decision you make contributes to the intricate tapestry of your life.

The Power of Choice

Choice is where it all begins. Your thoughts and feelings arise from a fundamental choice – the choice to feel either good or bad. This choice serves as the seed from which the tree of your life grows. Positive emotions and thoughts lead to positive experiences, while negative ones attract challenging situations. The universe responds to the energy you emit, and it mirrors your internal state in the form of external experiences.

Your Life: An Internal Journey

It's essential to realize that your life is not happening outside of you; it's happening within you. Consider this: as you read these words, you're reading them within yourself using your vision. Your brain interprets these words, and your thoughts and feelings about what you're reading are happening within you. Your external world is a canvas upon which your internal experiences are painted.

Relationships as Mirrors

One of the most significant revelations of this perspective is the role of relationships in our lives. Whether it's your Twin Flame, your concept of God, or any other relationships, they often act as mirrors reflecting your internal landscape. When these relationships trigger emotional upsets, it's a signal that they are mirroring thoughts or beliefs that are out of alignment with your natural state of well-being.

The Path Back Home

These emotional upsets are not meant to torment you but to guide you back home. Home, in this context, refers to alignment with the Divine Mind, the consciousness of Heaven, and your natural state of well-being. These moments of discomfort are opportunities for growth and healing. By actively choosing healing and seeking harmonious union with yourself and the Divine, you pave the way for transformative change.

The Sacred Mirror Exercise

One powerful tool for embarking on this journey of self-discovery and transformation is the Mirror Exercise. This exercise is designed to guide you not only to your Harmonious Twin Flame Union but also to a clear and direct path back to your perfect internal state. By reflecting on your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs, you can identify areas that need healing and alignment. I’d love to show you how!

You can book an introductory Twin Flame Ascension Coaching session with me, and I’ll guide you through the Mirror Exercise with grace and ease.

Beyond Emotional Healing

The transformative potential of the Mirror Exercise extends even further. It can be harnessed to heal physical ailments and sickness within yourself and others. This practice demonstrates the profound interconnectedness of your internal consciousness and external reality, as the healing process is initiated from within.

In understanding that your external experiences are born from your internal consciousness, you hold the key to creating a life of harmony, love, and fulfillment. Embrace the power of choice, actively engage in the Mirror Exercise, and allow your relationships to be your guides on this inward journey. Your life is a canvas waiting for your inner masterpiece to unfold, and the world will mirror the beauty that resides within you.


Purpose of Twin Flames


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