3 Signs of Reunion

I'm sharing 3 telltale signs that are exclusive to those on the path of a Harmonious Twin Flame Union.

These signs distinguish a true Twin Flame connection from a false one. Understanding them is crucial because false Twin Flames can sometimes appear deceptively similar to the real deal.

Before I dive into these three distinctive signs, I want to clarify that signs and synchronicities are not exclusive to Twin Flames. They are universal indicators of being on a spiritual journey, leading you towards self-discovery, enlightenment, and Divine Union, not just with another person but with your Higher Self and the Universe. They are nods from the Universe, and tell-tale signs you are on the right path.

Number One: Alignment of Love List and Core Values:

Your Love List comprises every characteristic you desire in a partner, while your core values represent what you find important in life. In a true Twin Flame connection, your Love List and core values align seamlessly. However, a word of caution: if you're unclear about your values or not living in accordance with them, your Twin Flame may initially not seem to meet these criteria. This can change as you heal and align with your true self by practicing the Mirror Exercise and watching Twin Flame Ascension School.

Number Two: Healing as One: This is a hallmark of a true Twin Flame connection.

You and your Twin Flame heal together, as a unit. This profound healing occurs as you both work on your individual issues, patterns, and traumas. It's not a superficial process; it requires deep introspection, inner work, and growth. If your "Twin Flame" doesn't engage in this joint healing journey, they're probably not the real deal.

Number Three: They Never Truly Leave You.

No matter how much time you spend apart for healing or any other reason, your true Twin Flame will remain a constant presence in your heart and life. They won't disappear or run away, unlike false Twin Flames who tend to vanish when faced with challenges. In my personal journey with my Twin Flame, Josh, there were times of separation, but he was always there, even if not in the physical sense.

Remember, your Twin Flame isn't responsible for your emotions; you are. They can't make you feel a certain way. Instead, they mirror aspects of yourself that require attention and healing. So, it's essential to embark on this transformative journey with dedication, embracing every step of growth.

If you're ready to heal separation and work towards Harmonious Union with your Twin Flame, consider joining my Twin Flame Ascension Coaching groups. They offer profound and unique support and a community of fellow Twin Flames who understand your journey in a private group setting on Zoom.

Much love and many blessings!



Feeeeel it!


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