This time last year...

This time last year I DIDN'T EVEN HAVE HIS PHONE NUMBER!! I want to tell you who are reading this that Miracles happen when you watch Twin Flame Ascension School and practice the Teachings of Union. Miracles aren't random, nor are they just for the "lucky." You invite Miracles when you have a high willingness to learn and high willingness to change, and embrace the path Jeff and Shaleia laid out in Twin Flame Ascension School. Claim your support, work with a Certified Ascension Coach, and you will have all your heart desires, and more!

I have been a student of Jeff and Shaleia's since 2018... through that time, I've been healing, and I had an on-and-off relationship with Josh until last year 2022 when we had a fight and he changed his phone number. I didn't hear from him for 7 months. I watched Twin Flame Ascension School every day and worked with my coach once per week. THAT IS WHAT WORKS.

You are worth it.


Shadow Reading


Third Party?