End of an Era - LP

I am overjoyed! I've been studying LPC 4, which talks about transitioning to a new life purpose vortex, and found what Jeff and Shaleia describe about the process to be true in my life on every level. My business was thriving, but my part-time university job was draining. I decided to leave the position, worked on my inner blocks, and confirmed I'd be supported in this change.The old vortex tried to pull me back with fears and doubts, but I chose to trust love and move forward. I successfully managed my finances and realized I could sustain myself and invest and focus all my energy into the COU/ my business. Despite initially planning to leave the job in December, I decided to resign immediately to pursue my Life Purpose now as a Full-Time Ascension Coach. I'm looking forward to this new chapter!


I have been studying LPC 4: Shift Into Your New Life Purpose “Vortex.” in which Jeff and Shaleia talk about transitioning from one vibrational vortex to a new one. For the past few months, I've been feeling the call of a new vortex.

It became clear that my part-time job at the University was consuming too much time and energy, and it no longer served the purpose it once had in my life. The joy I had coming to campus had long since faded, and I felt encumbered there since I was covering part of another person’s duties after she left her role. I would feel emotionally drained when I got home, and this impacted every other part of my life.

I often see a lot of people in a state of discomfort in 9-5 jobs of the world, failing to perceive the true purpose of a moonlighting job, which is to support your growth into your Life Purpose. As a result, they either remain in these positions out of habit or, in moments of frustration and discontent, make impulsive decisions to quit (often referred to as 'rage quitting'). Unfortunately, such abrupt departures can lead to financial hardships. Instead of either of those outcomes, I chose to move with God, had many conversations with God about how to move forward, and then received the messages God had for me in Life Purpose Class and with my Ascension Coach and the rest of what God was communicating with me in my life.

I spent a few weeks healing my inner blocks. Would I be supported in leaving? Yes, the answer was a big YES, God is my source, and God always supports me. AND I had Life Purpose Class, directly from God through Jeff and Shaleia. I made the decision to move on from the job, and the next step was getting clear on a date. The new vortex was calling me, “Are you sure you want this?”

Then, there was a pull from the old vortex, just as Jeff and Shaleia described can happen in LPC 4. I experienced a small dip in income and after doing a thorough inner investigation, I found that the underlying purpose for this dip was simply the old vibration attempting to pull me back, trying to convince me I wasn't ready to move forward and that I was dependent on a steady 9-5. "You sure you don't want to stay here?" the old vortex seemed to say.

So I said 'no' to those fears and continued working. The resounding message from all places, especially what Jeff and Shaleia share in every LPC is to stay focused on love and trust that I would be supported to serve God’s children. That it was easy to move forward because living my Life Purpose means I have unlimited energy to give, and the energy I was giving to the job was not going anywhere.

In the past, I had been very numb to my finances, especially my expense-income ratio. This had landed me in a bind. From what Jeff and Shaleia taught me about having a deepening relationship with my finances, I meticulously tracked my expenses and income, analyzing trends and averaging sales and expenses. I discovered I not only met my minimum financial needs but could also trust Jeff and Shaleia's work to unfold in my life in the future.

I looked at other angles. With the energy I'd regain from leaving my moonlighting job, I could invest more in marketing and developing better programs for my clients, feeling fresher and more alive. I could build my daily schedule so that it honors the way my energy naturally flows. I could focus more energy on loving my Church of Union volunteer role. Being able to fully practice what Jeff and Shaleia teach in LPC was infinitely more valuable to me than clinging to an old system.

I initially considered resigning in December, but staying at my desk on campus felt wrong when I longed to help people with their Twin Flames. There was no reason to withhold love where it wanted to flow.

The truth was revealed: I was ready now. So, I made the decision, typed my resignation letter, handed it to my boss and HR yesterday. I have nine more work days ahead, but my heart already feels a million times lighter.

I saw how my job at the university supported me for a while. It was something God gave me so that I could experience having stable income, and to learn more about time management, a skill I needed in my Life Purpose. It was a beautiful campus, conducive to walks around a lake and an all organic dining hall. I had a nice boss and coworkers who did their best with what they had. I honored these things, and was grateful for them. But it was time for me to say goodbye to them, and hello to my New Era.

So, I am delighted to share that I am now entering into the life of my dreams: being a Full-Time Ascension Coach! I can’t wait to see how this unfolds, and to watch as many of you who also have this dream begin to see it manifest in reality.


Thoughts Create Reality


Don't walk, RUN!