Thoughts Create Reality

Your external world is not a separate entity from your internal consciousness; rather, it is an intricate dance between the choices you make, the thoughts you harbor, and the feelings you nurture.

At the core of this revelation lies a fundamental choice, one that shapes the course of your life: the choice to embrace either positivity or negativity. From this pivotal decision, like ripples in a pond, your thoughts and emotions emanate, creating the tapestry of your experiences. It's a beautifully orchestrated symphony of the mind, where each note is a manifestation of your inner world expressing itself outwardly.

Consider, for a moment, the act of reading these words. As you scan these lines, you do so within the sacred confines of your own consciousness. Your eyes perceive the words, and your brain interprets their meaning. The thoughts and emotions that arise in response are not mere reactions but integral parts of your internal landscape, shaping your experience of this text.

Now, let's delve deeper into the intricacies of relationships—those connections that have the power to stir your soul like few other things can. When a relationship, be it with a Twin Flame, the divine, or any other person, triggers what you commonly label as an "upset," it's not a random occurrence. Instead, it's a mirror reflecting a thought or belief that has strayed from alignment with the Divine Mind.

The Divine Mind, a source of profound wisdom and enlightenment, represents the epitome of harmony. It is the essence of alignment with your truest self and the universe at large. When you experience upsets in your relationships, it's a call to reevaluate your internal landscape, to realign with this higher state of being.

In these moments of upset, you have an opportunity—a chance to embark on a journey of self-discovery, to explore the depths of your consciousness, and to realign your thoughts and feelings with the resonance of the Divine Mind. It's a transformative process, one that invites you to shed the layers of negativity and embrace the radiance of positivity.

In conclusion, your life is not unfolding outside of you; it is unfurling within the sacred sanctum of your consciousness. As you navigate the intricacies of your inner world, you magnetize vibrational experiences that ripple through your external reality. Let yourself embrace this understanding, for it holds the key to unlocking a life of profound peace, harmony, and alignment with the universe.


DM needs love too.


End of an Era - LP