
Today, let's dive into the mystical world of Twin Flames without the "woo-woo" glasses on. We'll explore the age-old questions: Are there really 144,000 Twin Flames, and does everyone have a Twin Flame? Let's approach this from both a logical and spiritual perspective.

So, you've awakened to the truth of Twin Flames. You're noticing signs, synchronicities, and maybe even feeling the intense energy of Kundalini rising. You might be experiencing a deep connection with someone that you believe is your Twin Flame, and you wonder if this experience is unique to you.

Then you hear a bunch of people telling you to do this or that, ignore them, make love eight times in the 5-D, delete their photos, sacrifice a goat, that not everyone has a Twin Flame, and that there are only 144,000 Twin Flames. As you can tell, all of what’s in the previous sentence is bogus.

Firstly, the number 144,000 has biblical roots, but logically, it doesn't directly relate to the concept of Twin Flames. Love, in its essence, is boundless and all-encompassing. It wouldn't make sense for some people to have a Twin Flame while others don't. That would mean denying some the opportunity to experience divine, unconditional love. And that simply doesn't align with the principles of love itself.

The truth is, everyone has a Twin Flame. However, not everyone is aware of this connection. This lack of awareness is why it might seem like only a select few are experiencing this phenomenon. It's like not everyone is seeing repeating numbers, but more and more people are becoming aware of them. The awakening to your Twin Flame connection isn't something you consciously decide; it's initiated by a higher power.

When your heart longs for its ultimate lover, when you yearn for that deep soul connection, it's not you alone making that choice. It's a divine orchestration by a higher force, call it God, the Universe, or Spirit. It's a spiritual awakening, and it's not dependent on someone else enlightening you. It's between you and the higher power.

Now, because there are relatively few people on Earth who are aware of their Twin Flame connection at this time, it might seem like you're alone in this journey. But you're not alone. You can't force others to awaken to their Twin Flame because that's not your role; it's the divine's role. Your family and friends will awaken when they are ready for it.

So, what should you do? Surround yourself with people who understand this unique journey. Connect with like-minded souls who can offer support and guidance. I recommend joining the Twin Flames Universe open forum on Facebook or exploring twinflamesuniverse.com to learn more about this journey and connect with a community that gets it.

Remember to be compassionate, both with yourself and others. Everyone is on their own journey, even if they don't realize it yet. Your job isn't to force them to see what you see. Let Spirit work its magic on their hearts.

If you're looking for support to navigate your Twin Flame journey, consider seeking guidance from a certified coach like me. You can try an introductory session or join one of my Twin Flame groups. I'm here to help you work through your challenges and heal separation.

So, in conclusion, yes, everyone has a Twin Flame, whether they know it or not. It's a journey of divine love that's orchestrated by a higher power, not by us. Embrace your path, surround yourself with support, and have compassion for those who haven't awakened yet. Your Twin Flame journey is unique, and it's worth every step of the way.


Do the work = RESULT!


Feeeeel it!