Important message

Today, I received a spiritual download for Twin Flames, things for you to focus on right now at the time you are reading this. This message stems from the profound connection you share with your Twin Flame. It's a message of love, growth, and self-discovery that can transform your union.

Let your Twin Flame be free.

Your Twin Flame has feelings for you that they might not be openly expressing. Whether you're in no contact or your connection seems strained, it's crucial to remember that you can't force your Twin Flame to reciprocate your feelings. Instead, claim them in your heart, and let your actions align with your authentic self. Repeatedly professing your love can push them away, so allow them space to process their emotions. Focus on self-improvement and self-love, as this is equally important in nurturing your connection.

Criticizing and Accepting

Criticism and resentment towards your Twin Flame, as well as yourself, only lead to unhappiness. Love and acceptance of each other's flaws are the keys to transforming your relationship. Start by forgiving yourself, and then extend that forgiveness to your Twin Flame. Self-acceptance is the foundation for a healthy Twin Flame union.


Friendship is the cornerstone of a strong Twin Flame connection. Before romance can flourish, a solid friendship must exist. You can't rush or control this process. Nurture your bond by focusing on friendship first, and let love naturally evolve from there.

Empty your cup.

To become a good teacher, you must first be a teachable person yourself. Empty your cup of preconceived notions and let yourself be taught by the universe. This isn't about sending countless text messages trying to convince your Twin Flame about your union. It's about embodying the lessons and wisdom that come with your connection.

Non-attachment, but loving with passion

Love passionately in your heart but do not smother or control your Twin Flame. Love never claims; it allows and gives. Embrace your Twin Flame's presence in your life, but always respect their need for personal space. Balancing deep love with freedom is essential for a harmonious Twin Flame union.

In your journey as Twin Flames, remember that you are each other's teachers and friends before becoming romantic partners. Self-acceptance, self-improvement, and allowing the natural flow of your connection are vital to its growth. Love passionately but avoid clinging or trying to control your Twin Flame. Embrace your journey, receive the love that is meant for you, and trust in the process.

Next steps:

It’s important to keep choosing love, and healing, over fear and separation. You may struggle letting go of these thought patterns and coming closer to your Twin Flame, but I can help you! If you’re ready to transform your Love Life with your Twin Flame, book an introductory session with me!

If you'd like to begin right away, you can register for a private coaching group here.

Regardless of where you are on this Earthly journey, always remember: you are worthy of your ultimate love, your twin flame. Embrace the love within, and the universe will guide you to your destined reunion.πŸŒŸπŸ’–πŸ”₯


Inner creates Outer.


Balancing Energies