Don't walk, RUN!

Don't walk... RUN!!!!

...Towards your Harmonious Twin Flame Union!

Once upon a time, I was not living with my Twin Flame, Josh. We were in no contact, and it seemed like he wanted nothing to do with me. I was in a constant state of emotional turmoil, unable to focus at work, taking sick days because of my distress, and feeling utterly lost in all aspects of my life. I kept seeing repeating numbers and signs, but when I tried to talk to my friends about it, they dismissed me as "crazy."

I know many of you can relate to this feeling of despair and confusion. So, where did I turn for guidance? YouTube. I started watching videos from tarot readers, binge-watching them even during work. Initially, their insights seemed profound, but they soon started repeating themselves, and I sensed something was amiss.

That's when I stumbled upon Jeff and Shaleia's videos, and they resonated with me deeply. They spoke truth grounded in reality, not some far-out nonsense. What truly struck me was when they told me that I could be with my Twin Flame. This was a game-changer because many others had told me it was rare or even impossible to be with your Twin Flame. That, my friends, is simply not true.

At the time, I was in debt, living in low-income housing, and barely making ends meet. However, I had a bit of emergency credit left on my card. Instead of half-heartedly dipping my toes into Twin Flames Ascension School, I took a leap of faith and went all in.

I was tired of feeling miserable, and I knew Jeff and Shaleia could help me feel better. I'd already tried many things that didn't work, and if you're reading this, you probably have too. But let me tell you, you can receive support that does work.

I took that leap, not with a walk, but with a run.

I eagerly signed up for Twin Flame Ascension School and weekly coaching sessions and couldn't wait for each one. I felt heard, seen, and supported by someone who understood the Twin Flame journey and believed in it.

When I joined Twin Flame Ascension School, there were very few Twin Flames in Harmonious Twin Flame Union, but now you have countless examples. Yet, I understand that this might not be enough to instill trust in you. At some point, you'll have to take that leap of faith because it doesn't feel good to feel bad.


Josh and I didn't achieve Union overnight; it was a process. I committed to doing the work as quickly and efficiently as possible without taking shortcuts. Despite financial challenges and societal pressures, I never wavered. I always had what I needed because I focused on the inner work.

Your outer reality reflects your inner reality. If you dabble instead of running towards your transformation, you won't get there.

I watched a TFAS class a day, and there are 326 classes in total. Even if you don't grasp everything immediately, it's okay. You'll get there as long as you stay committed. Your Twin Flame will be with you as you master this work because they are a part of you. It's about having a relationship with your Divine self, and this isn't about glorifying another person.

So, my message is clear: Don't walk; run. If you're ready to explore how this path can become a reality for you, send me a message or visit

Don't wait, as time is more precious than money.

Run towards your harmonious Twin Flame Union!


End of an Era - LP


Recipe for success