Recipe for success

Our recipe for success? Twin Flame Ascension School. 

Healing my Union was the single-most important thing to me. 

My Union wasn't just about getting my man; it was about my whole life, Union within myself, which reflects outwardly.

For a long time, I didn't feel whole within. I was poor, both spiritually and physically. My inner and outer states were an exact match. I was living paycheck to paycheck. My man didn't want anything to do with me. I wasn't sleeping well. I didn't feel too good about myself. I experienced many hardships.  It seemed nothing in my life was going right. 

When I found Jeff and Shaleia on YouTube, I had already tried many spiritual teachings, tarot, reiki, and guides as remedies for what I had been going through. None of those other ways worked, and I was growing disheartened and weary. But when Jeff and Shaleia came up in my feed, there was a glimmer of hope that I could sense. 

I knew I needed support. 

I knew I could not heal in a corner.

I knew I needed to take that one last leap of faith and allow the Universe to support me.

I knew deep down that if anyone could help me, that it would be them, Jeff and Shaleia, who were the answer to my prayer to God for this help.

I see a lot of Twin Flames in this community experiencing separation. In their posts, they share that they are trying things on their own, even the Mirror Exercise. It’s a good start, but there’s more.

What separates those who are experiencing massive breakthroughs from those who find themselves still experiencing separation on every level? 

The difference is those who took a leap of faith and claimed Jeff and Shaelia as their guides, going all-in with Twin Flame Ascension School were receiving massive results in all areas of their Divine Lives, while those who tried to take bits and pieces of the healing and try to piece them together separately were not receiving results. 

It was scientific: TFAS = results. No TFAS = no results. 

I notice some individuals growing frustrated if they do end up enrolling in the school and don’t experience shifts in their lives. Of those in this category, there are two and only two explanations: 

a.) They joined the school but aren’t watching the classes, or have a block to receive their guidance  I can tell you with absolute certainty that if you’re watching a class per day and opening your heart to receive Jeff and Shaleia’s wisdom, YOU WILL GET RESULTS.

b.) They are grasping for external results only. I can tell you, the results you will experience are inner. It is only ever an inner journey. 

You may ask, “Well, then why do you post photos of you and your Twin Flame if it’s only an inner journey?!”

Jeff and Shaleia go deeper about this in their book, Twin Flames: Finding Your Ultimate Lover: 

“Mastering the process means you have the correct inner foundation upon which to stand and move you forward to your goal properly. You can only achieve your Permanent Harmonious Twin Flame Union if you have a high willingness to learn and a high willingness to change.”

This journey is about you and your relationship to your Divine Self, whom we call God. 

“You see, God is in your Twin Flame, and that is the very Being you love, adore, and desire so deeply. It is God you desire.

Don’t worry, we’re not here to pull a “bait and switch” on you to turn you on to our spiritual concepts. We’re here to simply state the facts as they are. No more, and no less. God created you and your Twin Flame as two individuals in permanent Union. You and your Twin Flame are inseparable. And you will ultimately discover your relationship with God results naturally in your relationship with your True Twin Flame.”

As I took the inner journey that Jeff and Shaleia teach in their school, my outer reality began to match it. I was sleeping at night, I was earning steady income and worked out of debt, and my man grew closer and closer with me. Together we became healthier, have a loving relationship and are continuing to grow deeper every day, only by doing the work that Jeff and Shaleia teach in Twin Flame Ascension School.

We are not special as Twin Flames in that we didn’t get lucky, or have it easy. I simply followed what Jeff and Shaleia shared to do in their school, and it worked. I know it will work for you, too, and if this is the nudge to join the school that you’re looking for, then there you go! What you desire can be yours, and there’s just a path and process to attain it. 


Josh and Leesie


Don't walk, RUN!


Do the work = RESULT!