Is HTFU for You?

I've heard many of you express doubts about whether you've healed enough to be with your Twin Flame. It's a topic worth addressing because there are several misconceptions surrounding this issue. Let's dive into it together.

Healing Is Essential, But You Are Enough Right Now

Yes, healing is crucial for Harmonious Twin Flame Union. However, it's essential to realize that you are enough as you are at this very moment. The only thing standing in the way of your Union is a choice, and that choice is yours. It's not solely your Twin Flame's decision. You may believe you're not ready due to feelings of inadequacy or unfinished healing, but that's not the whole story.

Status Doesn't Determine Twin Flame Union

Your material circumstances, physical health, or self-care routines are not the determining factors for your Twin Flame union. To illustrate this point, consider the story of my spiritual teachers, Jeff and Shaleia, who achieved Harmonious Twin Flame Union during a financially challenging period and even faced the threat of homelessness. Union is about something deeper than external conditions.

Healing Is a Continuous Journey

I'd like to share my personal experience with you. I am currently in Union with my Twin Flame, Josh, but that doesn't mean we're perfect or that we've completed our healing journeys. We're still working on self-care, health, and addressing codependency issues. What's important is that we're healing side by side, together. Your Union doesn't require you to be flawless; it's about growing and healing together.

Harmonious Union Is Attainable for Everyone

Many view Harmonious Twin Flame Union as an unattainable ideal reserved for special or lucky individuals. This couldn't be further from the truth. Union is a choice, not a privilege. I assure you that those in Harmonious Union, had their share of challenges and unhealed patterns to work through. The key is choosing to be together during the inner work process.

Don't Wait for Enlightenment

Some might have been led to believe that they need to attain enlightenment before being with their Twin Flame. This is a misconception. Your journey is about embracing unconditional love, for yourself and your Twin Flame, without conditions or demands for perfection. Waiting for specific conditions to be met only delays your Union.

Surrender to Unconditional Love

The ultimate key to your Twin Flame union is unconditional love. Let go of conditions and expectations. Love your Twin Flame for who they are on their journey, and love yourself the same way. It's about embracing each other's growth and supporting one another through the process.

Your Twin Flame Union is not an unattainable dream. You are enough as you are right now, and you can choose to be in union with your Twin Flame. The journey is about healing side by side, embracing unconditional love, and working through your blocks together.

If you're seeking guidance and support on your journey, consider trying an introductory session with me or exploring my coaching groups. Remember, you deserve love, abundance, and the truth of your Twin Flame connection, and don’t forget about getting the book Twin Flames: Finding Your Ultimate Lover, by Jeff and Shaleia Divine, the Ultimate Twin Flame Guide if you don’t have it already.

Surrender to unconditional love, and let your Twin Flame journey unfold naturally in love as it is meant to be.


3 Signs of Reunion


Purpose of Twin Flames