Oh no… I messed up. I sent all of you a beautiful email about my new Twin Flame meditations, but I only received a handful of orders - even for the 100% FREE download! I was shocked.
My first thought: “My meditations must suck! I must be horrible! I’m a loser!”
That thought certainly didn’t feel good.
So, I immediately set about healing with the Mirror Exercise. (Yes, you can use the Mirror Exercise for any upset, not just for your Twin Flame!)…
Spiritual Bypassing
If you’re ready to take the next step, I invite you to apply for a free 15-minute consultation with me so that we can explore which of my services might be right for you and come up with a plan. I believe in you, and I’m here to support you all the way to Harmonious Twin Flame Union, and beyond!
Let it be easy!
I posted earlier about how some people find it daunting to be self-disciplined in working toward goals. When some think of how much work might go into building your Harmonious Twin Flame Union, they might imagine a big challenge.
...That is, before they find Twin Flame Ascension School!
I've asked several people lately what the real reason is that they didn't sign up for support such as TFAS and coaching so they could attain Harmonious Union with their Twin Flame, and do you know what many shared that REAL reason was for them?
I've been healing around unconditional love and acceptance, and had a breakthrough with the Mirror Exercise I'd like to share.
I realized I had a limiting belief confusing 'accepting' with 'permitting.' I found that I wasn't accepted in many places, but I was 'permitted' but this didn't feel good.
FEB 3- Next workshop!
Twin Flame Workshop Series: Build Your Kingdom!
Register here:
Unveil Your Soul’s Design and Blueprint for Life. Jeff and Shaleia’s Teachings of Union will be your guiding light, transforming your life with divine wisdom.
Tea for Two
When faced with the pain of separation from your Twin Flame, it's essential to recognize it as a choice made in a moment of non-love. The key to restoring your union lies in a commitment to bring love to those places where it seems absent. This journey may not always be easy, but the Teachings of Union provide a clear and accessible path to navigate through every block, ultimately leading to harmony with your Beloved Twin Flame.
In gratitude
Happy Sunday everyone! thank you Twin Flame Ascension School and Jeff Divine and Shaleia Clare Divine for Twin Flame Ascension School and Life Purpose Class. Our Union keeps getting better and better as a result.
TF's and Meditation
As Jeff and Shaleia point out in their book, Twin Flames: Finding Your Ultimate Lover, "If you combine the Mirror Exercise with meditation, yoga, prayer, or any other spiritual practices you have, you will greatly benefit and highly accelerate your spiritual progress.”
You deserve love.
Your Twin Flame is your Perfect Divine Mirror, consistently mirroring your consciousness, always. If you find yourself in a scenario where your Twin Flame isn't actively choosing you, it signifies a reflection of an aspect within yourself that may not be fully choosing, on a certain level, often subconsciously. Detecting this may not be immediate if you haven't learned to master the right tools to navigate your Twin Flame journey the right way.
Why Mirroring?
Your Twin Flame Union serves a profound purpose: to mirror to you the intricacies of your connection with God. It is a sacred journey where every choice, every moment of consciousness, is a reflection of your divine relationship. Understanding this fundamental aspect is key to navigating the complexities of the Twin Flame journey.
Divine Complement
In the dance of Twin Flame Union, there exists a profound phenomenon known as Mirroring. It is a reflection that extends beyond the surface, weaving through the very fabric of your shared existence with your Twin Flame. This mirroring is not a mere coincidence; it is a manifestation of the connection you both share to the One Consciousness.
NEW! Twin Flame Meditations
Experience the transformative power of my latest Twin Flame Meditations!
Hope vs Miracles
So why do you need support on your Twin Flame journey? I get this question a lot and um a lot of you trying to do it on your own you've been trying to do it on your own for a long time. Maybe you classify long time as a few weeks or months or some of you even years, some of you even decades trying to go out your Twin Flame journey on your own and I guess you could do that um but do you really know with absolute certainty how to uh do the Mirror Exercise properly and how to navigate through your blocks and challenges so that you can be with your Twin Flame.
3 Reasons You're Stuck
Here are 3 key reasons why you might be facing obstacles on your Twin Flame journey, and the common thread among them is the reluctance to claim the support you need.
REASON ONE Firstly, let's address the elephant in the room – lack mindset….
Flashback to 2019
My heart was right. Once I made the choice to go, everything unfolded perfectly. I got my airfare at a good price. I linked in with my friends and shared an AirBnB at an outstanding rate.
The entire trip was magical, and it was as if I healed lifetimes of blocks in one weekend. This was because being around others who are doing their inner work galvanizes your own. And we weren't just together for an hour - it was DAYS of this higher vibration together.
Weekly Twin Flame Reading
That decision you're thinking about - YES, you're getting the go-ahead now. Maybe it's sending that heart-felt message, maybe it's applying for that new job, ...or maybe it's claiming your ticket to the Twin Flames Universe Spiritual Life Summit!
How I start my day
Since Jan 1, I've been starting each morning watching Jeff and Shaleia's Life Purpose Class. Today was particularly chilly, so I curled up in blankets with a coffee and watched it. Cozy!
LOA + TF's
Jeff and Shaleia write in their book, Twin Flames: Finding Your Ultimate Lover, "Your external experience is created within your internal consciousness. Your internal consciousness is based off your choices, thoughts, and feelings….
A Cozy Update
Classes were cancelled due to heavy rain and wind. He spent most of the day doing homework, and I coached, created content, and cooked lunch. He felt like taking a break, and for him that meant he took charge of dinner: Divine Dish Harisa stew.