Divine Community

"This is a Divine Society, organized by God. With the closeness and resources comes a high price: your purification."

When you get close to this community, you are around others who are doing the work of purification, and all that is out of alignment with love gets rooted out the closer you get. It's safe, because it is loving.

"The community is a mechanism, a system, a machine, a collective consciousness." The community is like a machine that takes your ego away so that you can actually have what you desire: your Twin Flame in Harmonious Union. The system responds to your input. Whatever you input, you're going to get a response. This is a system we are all loving, perfecting, finding our place in. In an earlier post a couple years ago, Jeff wrote, "This is a place where ego comes to die."

This is why you get exactly what you came for when you choose to go deeper in connecting with this community: Love. Sometimes that love is in the form of discipline, of pointing out a pattern that hampers your success. This discipline is exactly what you need to succeed, because holding on to the pattern is what is preventing more good from flowing to you. To another student, Jeff mentioned that he was fathering her, guiding her in places she didn't want to be guided, but that would help her. Regardless of her resistance, he would continue to love her and give her exactly what she needed as God called him, and Jeff and Shaleia's community works exactly like they do: it continues to love us, every one of us who comes close.

I have gone through and am still going through purification in this community. My patterns - your patterns too - are exposed to all. Everyone sees what you bring to the table, nothing is hidden. However this community is compassionate. While not tolerating ego, it simultaneously does not keep a score sheet on you of your 'fuck-ups.' You're just learning, and you are completely loved and whittling down the ego step by step. You're still Divine. The love the community has for you is all-inclusive, even if you feel shame, guilt, etc. You are human, and you are loved.

I have been disciplined and purified by this community and my gurus and coaches. I have 'gone through the fire' and clung to my patterns for dear life because I was proud. The community did its job perfectly and spit me out because those patterns were not helpful to me or serving Love. I lost my status and my Harmonious Union. At first I grumbled and growled internally at first, but the moment I chose to surrender and change, things started to shift. The moment I chose to return to God and let Him teach me, I felt better. I chose to rebuild with Him here in the community that I was given.

I realized how perfectly Jeff and Shaleia and their community loved me and never stopped loving me, and for that gift, I'm eternally in debt and eternally grateful. Jeff mentioned as well the story of the Prodigal Son. The moment the son who strayed made a new choice, the Father welcomed him with a party and song, and celebrated his return, for how awful it had felt to be apart.

And so, here I am. And so, you, too, do not be afraid to get close to this community. "It's brutal, it take guts. But you get so much respect just for being here." In truth, nothing can harm you here by letting go of patterns. You will not be kicked off the ship unless you choose that, but even then God always guides you back, always grabs you by the collar and pulls you back into His Love because you are His.

And, a little nod from God: just after class, Josh texted me making absolutely sure I had his new number and thanking me for the chocolates I gave him for Valentines day. That's my man. All thanks to God and this purification process of this Divine Community. I am so grateful for it and its lessons.


It's official!


Path to healing