Path to healing

Everyone's Twin Flame Union is as unique as a fingerprint. As is your own unique path to healing.

As Josh and I are grounding the energy of living together again, I've come to see that my path to healing my Twin Flame Union with Josh hasn't been a straight line.

We came into Union, separated, came back together, and then needed to heal separately again. It was more compassionate for us to heal separately because of intense reactions to trauma triggers that we each had. There was addiciton. There was codependency. We each had health and financial issues that were adding strain and stress to our Union. And then... there was the deep and rich success of healing all of those things, one step at a time.

This is why it's so important to see your Twin Flame journey is a journey about healing every part of your life, because every part of your life affects every other part of your life. This is why at Twin Flames Universe, Jeff and Shaleia have addressed each part of the healing journey, from your Twin Flame relationship to Life Purpose to even Health and Wellness healing (at the Mind Alignment Process.)

After committing to my healing and never giving up on my Union, I am happy to say that now Josh and I have been peacefully together for a few months, and he just officially moved in this week. It's not only been the most stable we have ever been in our Union, but the most stable that I've ever felt in my life.

I want you to know that it DOES get easier. And that no matter what your journey looks like, remember that God always guides you home. Don't give up. If you go in a straight line or have a lot of curves on your path, it doesn't matter because the goal is the same; you WILL have your Harmonious Twin Flame Union no matter what. Stay the course! Don't give up! It's worth it.


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