
I've been a student of Jeff and Shaleia's Twin Flame Ascension School for the last four years. During the first two years, I was healing a lot of unhealthy relationship patterns, and getting to know the true dynamics of Twin Flames. After only one month of watching classes and receiving coaching with one of their certified Ascension Coaches, I was able to sleep at night and perform my duties of the day without getting anxious and leaving work. A month after that, my Twin Flame Josh picked me up at the airport after a trip (he had previously told me he never wanted to talk with me again, seriously!)

I went All In with Twin Flame Ascension School. During this past year, the theme has been about valuing myself. For most of my life, I had been scared to have boundaries with men. I wouldn't say no, and I would over-give because I believed if I didn't, I would get abandoned. Through further deepening in Jeff and Shaleia's work, and with regular Ascension Coaching, I was able to heal all of this codependency pattern. In one of my last posts, you can read where I placed firm, loving boundaries on my man. I stopped over-giving. It felt scary at first, because I was literally putting myself and my relationship with my loving Creator first above everything else for the first time in my eternal life.

For about a week, I didn't hear from Josh at all. Was this it? Was my whole Twin Flame journey a hoax and he had finally run away forever? I faced down these feelings and loved and reassure myself. I had support too - my own coaches helped, and I watched one TFAS class per day, which helped too. I started feeling better within myself. Really good, in fact.

Then, Josh sent me a very long message taking complete responsibility for his behavior and feelings and letting me know he loved me. It was the very first time he shared anything about taking responsibility for his actions and feelings.

This wasn't magic. It was science. Folks, it's true what Jeff and Shaleia teach; you and your Twin Flame share the same One Consciousness. They are always showing you something about yourself that you are doing within. If you are experiencing something in the external that feels bad, you have all the power to heal it with this work! When you commit to healing all the layers, the reflection will reflect that. The greatest result of the healing happens within you - YOU. FEEL. BETTER. Your Twin Flame simply reflects that.

This work works. I know it does, and that's why I chose to become one of Jeff and Shaleia's Ascension Coaches. I now have my Master Certification. I've got over 5,000 hours experience coaching Twin Flames, and my clients who stay the course are all experiencing breakthroughs and permanent successes in their Unions and their whole lives.

Let me help you! This work works, and my heart’s true desire is for you to have this too.

Try coaching. Try Twin Flame Ascension School. Start here:


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