Look up

I watched "Don't Look Up" on Netflix. It's about a small group of scientists (Leonardo De Caprio and Jennifer Lawrence) from Michigan State who found a large comet heading directly towards Earth, but when they try to tell people about it, no one pays attention. The comet in the film would bring about an apocalyptic event, but everyone brushes it off and continues with their worldly dramas and politics. They don't want to listen to the truth.

This reminded me of how sometimes it can feel when you try to tell people about Twin Flames who haven't yet woken up to this truth. Despite the evidence for Twin Flames, and the scientifically proven method for coming into Harmonious Twin Flame Union that Jeff and Shaleia found and developed, which hundreds are now practicing with great success, many friends, family and coworkers just do not understand. This is why being in this community and joining Twin Flame Ascension School is so important.

The scientists in the movie experience massive transformation and become very in touch with their feelings, focusing on what's really important as they acknowledge the truth, while those around them continue to numb out. You can feel how bizarre this is in the film. This was very challenging for the main characters, and the difference between the plot of the film and Twin Flames (aside from a comet) is that more and more people are in fact waking up to their Twin Flame Journeys.

Some of my friends from college are beginning to experience the One who feels like home in their lives, signs and synchronicities etc. And after a short while, I'm able to talk openly about Twin Flames to my friends and family and they get it! It just makes sense that everyone would have a perfect partner, and everyone I've shared the Mirror Exercise with can see its healing power.

If you feel worried about talking about Twin Flames to others, don't be. It's the most natural thing, and not woo woo at all. It just makes sense. Of course, some won't be open about it yet, but you'd be surprised that as you make a new choice to accept this truth yourself, more people around you will feel your peace there and support you.

I'm really grateful to Jeff and Shaleia's teachings and community of Twin Flames they created for ALL. All of my relationships have improved as a result of being their student and connecting to others here. It truly gets easier, I promise!

How has your life changed from practicing Jeff and Shaleia's teachings? Https://www.twinflamesuniverse.com




He is bigger than the problem