Giving and Receiving

I recently watched a Twin Flame Ascension School class (TFAS S7C57 "You're Not Lucky, You're Loved.”) and it really resonated with me. Jeff and Shaleia spoke about the importance of loving oneself and allowing God's love to flow through us. They explained that "Love yourself" does not mean that we have to be the source of that love, but instead, it means allowing God to love us.

The concept of allowing God to love me felt foreign to me at first. But when I opened up and allowed myself to receive God's love, I felt the relief of the unconditional love and acceptance that was always there for me. This love was not based on any actions I took or anything I accomplished but on the fact that I am inherently valuable and worthy. And you are too.

To receive God's love fully, we must also give it. This means extending love and kindness to ourselves and others without any conditions or expectations. When we give love, we create a positive energy that can lift us and those around us. Giving is the completion of the receiving.

Learning to love ourselves does not always seem easy, and it can take time and effort. But when we allow God's love to flow through us, we can find a sense of peace and contentment that we may have never experienced before, and this paves the way for your Harmonious Twin Flame Union.

"Love yourself" is not just about self-care or self-esteem. It is about connecting with a higher power and allowing ourselves to receive and give love in its purest form. When we embrace this truth, we can find the love and acceptance that we have been seeking all along.

You can watch Twin Flame Ascension School too and heal your vibration all the way to Harmonious Twin Flame Union. Visit to learn more.


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