The Universe responds to symbols

"If there's anything in your life, physically, that is not bringing you joy, you're telling the Universe you do not want joy in your life.

If there's anything in your reality in your life that symbolizes an old lover, get rid of it! If it's something you created while thinking about an old lover, throw it away.

If it's something an old lover gave you, get rid of it.

Delete all your old files as well. This goes for your computer, old pictures, old conversations in your instant messenger and in your email in box. If you're keeping those somewhere in your consciousness, you're holding on to that.

Anything that you have in your reality that is not bringing you joy is still in your consciousness. It will remain in your consciousness even if you are not conscious of it, it remains in your full consciousness and it is taking energy from you, and taking energy from the life that you desire to live."

-Jeff and Shaleia Divine, Twin Flames: Romance Attraction e-Course Lesson 7.

This was a game-changer for my Twin Flame journey. "The Universe speaks in symbols" so when you create a space in your environment for your Twin Flame, you're sending a message to the Universe that you're ready.

When I first completed the exercise at the end of Lesson 7 many years ago, by clearing my closet, making room for Josh in my kitchen pantry, etc., I experienced powerful shifts. He began to talk with me more and I just generally felt better inside, going all-in with him in this way.

Recently, I realized I still held on to old photos and emails on a mass storage disk and on an old phone that I didn't use, but didn't throw away. They weren't necessarily photos of me and any exes, but rather they were places in my life that I didn't really need to hold on to, times when I wasn't feeling my best, or friendships that I no longer have. I asked myself, "why am I still holding on to these memories?"

I realized the concept behind why I kept them was "maybe I'd want to reference one of the images someday!" It was also true about little nick-knacks, things like my old iPod that I never, ever use and will likely never use again. Certain makeup that I'm not using and haven't touched in over a year. Some cords and cables I don't know where they go. Even though I don't have an enormous mass of affairs that are blocking my pathway in my home, it still feels like hoarding, like a person stocking up in case of the apocalypse, or just in case... just in case what? I had no clue, really. It wasn't a Divine thought system.

These were subconscious patterns I was holding aboard my vessel that were like dead weights. I choose to let them go. It's taking a bit of time to go through my emails and files. But there is VERY little that I actually need to keep. When I began to purge what wasn't necessary, I felt so much lighter.

As I'm typing this, my Twin just texted me something romantic!

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Healing consciousness


Giving and Receiving