Gratitude to my teachers

I am so grateful to have been awoken to my Twin Flame path and found Jeff and Shaleia. When I first learned about Twin Flames, my Twin Flame and I were experiencing darkness and pain. My life was falling apart, and I was spiraling into debt. Plus, with my Twin, I felt I was going crazy, and no one around me understood. I just wanted the relief of understanding what was going on and my heart knew there was a way to heal it and be with him. While I felt a lot of doubt, I had an even greater percentage of faith that Love was indeed real.

I found Jeff and Shaleia on YouTube. I watched their videos in the mix of tarot readings, and kept being drawn back to them. They had a way to heal and every video of theirs was going deeper into a key part of this journey that I needed support with. I decided to check out their school.

I had been through so many healing modalities, and while I was slightly jaded from not receiving the support I actually needed in the past, my heart told me to take another chance with Jeff and Shaleia. Something felt different. I went all in and in about two months, I had subscribed to all of their classes and e-Courses. I needed that level of support - to be able to watch whenever I wanted, and I had coaching at least one per week. Jeff and Shaleia made sure every last part of this journey was covered, and then some.

As I went deeper in the work, I became a Live student in the Wednesday classes, and I met Jeff and Shaleia in person in a New York trip and for a workshop (Toronto!) I served as a volunteer for the Church of Union and worked alongside them and other students to help people who were just like me once, going through dark nights of the soul, desiring their Perfect Partner and healing patterns that extended throughout lifetimes.

As time drew on, I saw how every last part of Jeff and Shaleia's lives is aligned with loving every person that crosses their path, and every person in the world, actually. Never was a time someone came for support that they did not serve, or did not point to one of their students who could. Their words and deeds always matched up with supreme integrity. If I was waiting for the 'catch' or 'other shoe to drop' it never did, and I eventually let go of looking for a flaw and just accepted them as my teachers. I grew to love them very much, more and more each day.

There were times when through other students or themselves, a part of my consciousness was pointed out, a place I didn't want to see, or couldn't. Maybe an unflattering place. Maybe it was a place that was painful to look at - boy did I put up a lot of resistance sometimes! I had been wounded in the past when a parent tried to correct me unlovingly, but Jeff and Shaleia taught me that I was immensely loved when being guided.

Through a love that I had never experienced before, they showed me what I could not and equipped me with tools to heal any bad feelings that arose, and that I could look at myself with love instead of fear. I felt utterly humbled and grateful at the same time. Through the Mind Alignment Process they developed, I healed trauma patterns that no therapist I visited had been able to cure, and moved through blocks to find greater love than I had ever experienced in my life. (And to think I came for my Twin Flame and got that, plus infinitely more!)

My whole life changed. I no longer experience anxiety, I learned how to actually love myself (instead of just hearing it as a catch phrase) and I am no longer accruing debt. My business is healthy and growing, and communication with my Twin feels loving and peaceful. I feel confident and secure in myself and an underlying peace in my heart, despite what any outer circumstances show me, all thanks to Jeff and Shaleia.

The best part is, this journey keeps expanding into more love. Jeff and Shaleia are still giving more and more to the world. I am ever grateful for having called in my Divine Teachers who showed me my path to my Twin Flame, and ultimately to God. I love them very much and would love you experience what I did. I am here to talk if you would like to learn more. There is so much more beauty to this journey with them that I could not fit into a Facebook post.

I love you very much and am ever grateful to know you and continue to accept you into my heart as my Guide and Teacher.


Back into Union


Healing Trauma