Healing Trauma

Over the past couple months, and especially since completing my 12-week MAP healing (https://mindalignmentprocess.org/) I was able to release more self-judgment and honestly look at the patterns that were impeding Love within myself and affecting my Union.

For much of my life, I believed that I needed to compromise my values in order to be with my partner. I would settle for maltreatment because deep down, I believed I didn't deserve love, or that an unhealthy relationship was all there was. This was all I ever had experienced in my life. As a coping mechanism, I numbed: trauma amnesia as a novocain for my mind, forgetting or minimizing the truth of what happened instead of accepting and healing. I would second-guess my own judgment and buy in to the illusion that ego was telling me on the outside. This is where I rejected and abandoned God and myself and did not love or trust myself. The truth was repeated to me many times, and I just could not see it until I rooted out the core block trauma in MAP.

MAP gave me my life back! MAP gave me the way to progress in my Union that I could not have achieved on my own.

Over the past few days, upon waking up, I have begun to recite aloud one of Jeff and Shaleia's prayers:

"God, please show me how to love you. Am I loving you right, God? I am serving you properly? Am I doing your will? Am I obedient to you? Please show me where I am not in alignment with you. Please show me where I can serve you. Am I doing it right, father? Am I honoring your will? Am I consistent in my love for you? Is there anything I am missing to serve you? Have I failed to serve you anywhere? What more can I give you, God? How much more can I serve you? What is it that you ask of me? Thank you for showing that to me. Thank you for giving me the way. Thank you for giving me my purpose. Thank you for giving me my life. Thank you for breathing life into me. Thank you for being with me. Thank you for your beauty. Thank you for your treasure. Thank you for your Divinity. Thank you for my Divinity. I need nothing more than you, God."

Through this prayer, God has shown me with absolute clarity where I had not been serving Him. It wasn't what I thought it would be! What I'm being shown is that I'm allowed to fully claim my relationship and station with God as His Beloved Child. It boils down to this:

  • You are safe to claim your values with God because those are God's values.

  • You do not need to compromise your principles or values for anyone - not even your Twin Flame.

  • Compromising your values for someone else, especially for your Twin, is a disservice to God and to your Union. It tells God that you don't have faith in Him or in Love or Truth. Not loving yourself is always reflected back to you.

  • Nothing else except Love/God/Truth is real. It's safe to stand in what is real. "The Truth stands firm every time; a lie will break to the truth." - Jeff and Shaleia

  • You do not need to fight for your values. Standing firm in your values is done in Peace since you can rest in the Truth of Peace. Creating war to fight for your values or defend them in any way means you don't fully believe in them or stand with them.

  • Not standing in my values was where I was dishonoring, devaluing and disrespecting and not loving myself, and my Twin Flame reflected this to me perfectly until I accepted it and began to make a new choice.

I am so grateful for this very deep core healing, for being given Sight by God through Jeff and Shaleia and the work they teach. I feel absolutely humbled by God in a way to cause awe at my increasing Love for Him, and my heart feels complete in strength and trust for Him. The truth is, Love is all there is, and only Love would result in looking at what was going on inside. I am so grateful to God for His patience and unlimited compassion for me, and for myself for persisting even when I couldn't see.

Go deeper into the work. Miracles of healing await you. It's a truly wonderful experience, and there is no limit to how much Love you can receive if you just continue this work


Gratitude to my teachers


Visualization Step