Past abstract

In the past, "loving myself" felt very abstract. When people would tell me, "love yourself" I was confounded by the words, since I believed I was already loving myself. I took aromatic baths, stated affirmations, and painted my nails. Yet I was still unhappy. How could I truly *feel* loved being unhappy and unsatisfied inside? When I met my Twin Flame, all these feelings became amplified, and I realized I needed to figure this out. I started searching.

It wasn't until I found Jeff and Shaleia on YouTube that I truly started investigating what loving myself in a comprehensive way meant. Through their work, and the Mirror Exercise they teach, I learned to love the parts that weren't getting love, that felt ignored, or felt hurt, and this is crucial. Sometimes Love is a big hug, but it doesn't stop there. Love is the reply to the attention you need, the validation you need, the boundaries you need, the play you need. And more! All of this is sourced within you! Only you have the capacity to give this to yourself.


Twin Flame Ascension School can teach you in a complete way. You can watch the first few classes for free by signing up for the Free Twin Flame Ascension Introductory Course Another wonderful place to start is the Twin Flames: Romance Attraction e-Course, which I own and have taken about 8 times now, and each time I learn something I may have missed the first time around. (You keep the recorded courses for life!)

You can find all of the above on Jeff and Shaleia's website:

I was so grateful that I invested in learning about what self-love really is. I hope you can explore it and find out too!


Visualization Step


ALL the answers!