ALL the answers!

The answer you seek is always in the next TFAS class!!

TFAS = Twin Flame Ascension School. Https://

Your Twin Flame will ALWAYS mirror your choices. There's never a time when they aren't. So, all the blocks you face throughout the day - even if they seem mundane or unrelated to your Twin Flame, they actually are. For me at this time, I'm working on boundaries and sealing energy leaks which Josh is reflecting as well.

I had been receiving intrusions in my life: fruit flies in the home, pranksters, etc. It felt like a taking energy, and lack of boundaries. I wrote our my Mirror Exercises, saw where I had been taking from myself and others, and not placing a boundary or honoring my time in a focused way. I felt more relieved after completing Step 4. I made new choices and continued.

When I went to watch my TFAS class for today, it was EXACTLY about what I had been working through. Jeff and Shaleia taught in this class about how to refine your energy even more, how to be focused and create boundaries and order in your life (not just jumping on every little thing that comes into your awareness.) I had been doing that - responding to ever little notification as it came instead of honoring my boundaries - heck, even as I write this, I hear my phone notification chime and sensed the urge to look! AHA! This is part of the pattern.

The mistake is thinking that God is directing you through the external notifications attempting to grab your energy every which way. However, this is not God. God is structured and works step-by-step. God is not messy.

In this class, Jeff and Shaleia demonstrate through a student who lost their dog that organization and order are Divine. The student didn't put a chip in the dog when the dog had run away the last time, and so left the energy wide open for leaking away. The student instead focused on the next "more important" seeming upset instead of resolving the one right in front of her. It happened to be a dog, but energy leaking can be with anything, and affect your Union in a big way. (By the way, the dog comes back in a later class when the couple makes new choices and heals.)

Another lesson I learned from this class is the higher you vibrate the more these 'little' issues become amplified so that they aren't so little anymore. When you are in a relationship with your Twin Flame, this is especially true, and you're going to need support as you heal through these. I'm so grateful that I have TFAS to watch at the push of a button, and serendipitously, the lesson in the next class is almost always what you're working on!!

If you haven't subscribed to TFAS yet, do it! I'm not sure how long the Pandemic Prices will be there, but even if they weren't you'd want this priceless gem! Jeff and Shaleia give you ALL the keys to unlock places in your consciousness and give you a leg up on your journey.

I can't say this to Twin Flames enough - I know how it feels to not have direction on the journey, but the guidance is here, and it is so much more than you could possibly imagine for yourself! Choose to stop suffering, no matter where you are on your journey, and invest in this support and claim Jeff and Shaleia as your gurus. TFAS has never let me down, no matter what my journey looks like on the outside. It's always the answer.


Past abstract

