Heaven on Earth

Knowing who you were in a past life serves the purpose to teach a point. In a past life, I was a nun, and Josh was a farmer.

As a nun, I chose to renounce worldly pleasures and commit to loving God, and to assist God's children in coming to Him, to live a pious and holy life.

As a farmer, Josh chose to commit to labor and hard work, to love and nurture the physical world and its bounty.

For so long, what is 'spiritual' and what is 'material' was believed to be mutually exclusive...

This is a reflection of the separation consciousness between what is believed to be 'heaven' and what is believed to be 'earth.' Many theologians believe 'heaven' is another place other than here. Some spiritualists believe that the life on earth is a 'heavy' vibration, and others find the world a purgatory in itself, craving to flee it and live in a 5-D reality 'somewhere else.' Ascetics believe that you can attain heaven on earth, but by renouncing all that is worldly and going to a mountain top and live on nothing but sunlight and meditation. Some people see the world as evil, choose to deny and separate from it.

On the worldly side, some feel jaded by spirituality, religion, finding it to be hypocritical and/or detached from the present world. People choose to worship the amassing of wealth or dive into earthly pleasures. You have authors like Richard Dawkins writing 'The God Delusion', scientists trying to disprove or pass off God as a psychological phenomena, a product of socialization and culture. Those who fall into this category may feel unfulfilled choosing to see a life that is not eternal, only material, not questioning their existence, and many not able to see an ever-loving Conscious Being Who loves them unconditionally.

Jeff and Shaleia teach us that there is no separation of Heaven and Earth.

As our spiritual gurus, they reveal to us by staying IN the world, not separating from it, that our heaven is here, on Earth. There's not any separation between what is spiritual and what is material. Your relationship with the Divine is absolutely spiritual and absolutely material at the same time. It is ALL God's Creation. We were designed to live here on Earth and move through the spiritual lessons that each moment brings us through the reflection of our lives in the material. It is through the pathway to attaining Harmonious Twin Flame Union and reveal your True Life Purpose that you Ascend to the vibration of Love, and it is that vibration that is the Heaven that you seek, and you can have it right here, right now. On Earth.

If you'd like to learn more, Jeff and Shaleia teach more about this in Twin Flame Ascension School and Life Purpose Class, and I can't wait to learn more from their new YouTube series: Twin Flames: A New Earth. Thank you so much Jeff and Shaleia, for revealing to us that we can have our Perfect Heaven on Earth!


"Share your love, and it expands."


Childhood wounds