Childhood wounds

Whenever I ask God to increase my wonder and Love of Him, He does.

A few years ago in our old home, I recalled an incident from my youth involving my dad always giving attention to others instead of me, and taking others’ sides. I was numbed out to my feelings in that memory, and at the moment when I was recalling what happened, Josh (my Twin) walked in the room, back from his business trip early.

I remembered Josh declaring that his friend was visiting and staying with us. I was so triggered: this friend was someone who had attempted to plot against me and sent me menacing text messages when Josh and I had a big argument last fall, and Josh took his side then. I felt so emotionally unsafe to have this person in my home. Furthermore, I felt very hurt that Josh would not even ask or inform me about having a guest in our house. I felt like I wanted to run away, that the only 'safe' place was an external place outside our home that I could run to. I felt like I didn't know how to approach this situation with Love. I felt impotent, powerless and disconnected from my Twin and from Love. I had been able to heal other things, but this one felt 'big.' I wasn't sure I could to it.

I had to make a new choice then, to surrender to love more deeply, to allow God to show me a new way, to show me how to choose love here. I chose it because I knew that this work works. When I surrendered to love, I realized that these were the EXACT feelings that I was numbing out to with the incident with my dad. It was no coincidence at all that Josh walked in when he did and made this announcement. At that moment, I laughed aloud because I realized this was DIVINELY GUIDED. God is a genius.

Suddenly, the upset about Josh's friend dissolved, and I was able to feel the feelings from my memory and love myself there in the place that had not been loved. In addition, I was able to see the truth about the situation with Josh and his friend: that Josh was bringing his friend home, not to torment me, but the opposite: because he saw the progress I had made with Twin Flame Ascension School, that I wasn't some out-of-control crazy woman that his friend thought, that he wanted to show that to his friend and foster unity. I felt ready to choose love there, to walk forward with love.

I told Josh I knew this truth - that he brought his friend over because of love, and that he might have been afraid to tell me because he was afraid of how I may respond after what his friend did. I told Josh I saw him, I saw his heart, knew he loved me, and I told him he was my man, and that I loved him infinitely. We embraced.

This work is powerful and it doesn’t just get you external results, but deep, rich inner peace. It is only from that place of peace that you can cultivate and grow your Harmonious Twin Flame Union. This is what I deeply desire for you as well. If you feel this call for peaceful, rich love in your heart, work with me!

Let me guide you all the way to your Harmonious Twin Flame Union:


Heaven on Earth


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