"Share your love, and it expands."

Jeff and Shaleia, Twin Flame Ascension School, W7 C96

I haven't shared about my own Twin Flame journey here in awhile, and it's time for an update. Externally, nothing new has happened in my Twin Flame Union. Josh and I are grounding, hanging out regularly, talking… it feels really peaceful.

Internally, however, everything is different.

It's oh-so-subtle, but very, very important, and here's an example of what I mean: we had an argument last night about something that was revealed in our vibration to clear. During this argument, there was a difference in the energy of how we were communicating. We were being true to ourselves, what was true for us, and I noticed that even though we were speaking passionately, the place that used to make our boat feel rocked - the fight-or-flight, house-burning, panicky feeling - was gone. Gone! Trust me, I'm not talking about a mild disagreement over what to eat for dinner, I'm talking about one of those real humdingers. Even when outwardly we reached a stalemate, the love was there, felt palpable. Instead of sleeping back-to-back as we used to do when angry, we still cuddled through the night. We still have layers to work through, and I know will continue to work through them.

How on earth could our argument be an argument, full of emotion and feeling, but still feel peaceful?

Because our union is grounded in Love, that I am choosing to continue fortifying the foundation of our union by choosing love no matter what, continuing my journey in this school, realizing that I will always benefit from continuing my spiritual education with Jeff and Shaleia through watching Sermons and re-watching classes, picking up what I didn't get the first time round, and by receiving the bountiful support of this community.

I received this truth, that indeed, things continue to just get better - just like Jeff and Shaleia tell us, and I feel blessed to experience it in real-time, the proof that this work works, and continues to work and will be there eternally for me, for everyone. This is yours too!

Last year, I never thought I would reach this state with my Twin Flame, that our union could ever in a million years be harmonious. I see how far I've come. And I'm just noticing that today is in fact my one year anniversary of joining TFAS! I feel so confident in this work, so grateful to know it is here forever.

And so it is for you.




Heaven on Earth