No transactions

Josh has taught me so much about how to love, truly. I didn't realize how transactional I used to be in relationships. Living together now for 6+ months, I definitely had to surrender EVERYTHING that was tit-for-tat.

For example, I send most of the text messages. It's never, ever been "I sent him 3 messages, and he sent me 2, so I'm going to wait until he sends me a message before I reply" ---NOPE! If I ever feel like I "need" something from him, like attention, I give it to myself. When I'm not needy, and I feel like sharing something - a meme, or anything at all, I just send it and don't expect anything. He's me!

In the Twin Flames: Dreams Coming True e-Course by Jeff and Shaleia, they mention they discovered early on that your Twin Flame Union can't be a transactional relationship, that Jeff and Shaleia tried to split the chores, but it just felt bad, so they just did what felt natural, and everything worked out. You should watch that, BTW. They guarantee that "if you honestly work through it by watching all the videos and doing all the exercises exactly as stated while having a high willingness to learn and a high willingness to change, you will be in harmony with your Twin Flame when you are finished."

Being yourself in ALL ways is key. Just do what feels natural to you. Your Union is designed to work perfectly. You can trust it! You don't need to manage it with transactional stuff. Kick back, and sigh with relief! No more soul mate transactional relationships. This is ultimate freedom.


Childhood wounds


The Chinese Dress