The Chinese Dress

The first time I watched Jeff and Shaleia's Romance Attraction e-course lesson 7, I decluttered my house, clearing out old things, making room for my Twin Flame Josh, sending a signal to the Universe that I was ready for him. I had to let go of anything carrying energy from past relationships.

Here is a photo of my ChiPau that I wore in my wedding to my ex in Taiwan. It was beautiful red silk, hand tailored, and I was very attached to it, but it still held the conscious energy of my past. I chose to let this go because my Harmonious Union is a treasure from God, beyond any material value, worth more than any object I could ever own. It is God's anyway, so I surrendered it back to Him. My Union with Josh is worth much more than all the silk and gold in the Universe, and I happily released it.

I took it to a local seamstress so that she could display it in her window to attract customers. Once I dropped it off, I felt relief. It felt really good to be aligned to what I desired, to be aligned with God. I thought about it from the other side of things: I would really appreciate Josh removing all the paraphernalia from past relationships he had. Wouldn’t you feel weird coming across a gift your partner’s ex gave them, or your partner’s wedding attire from a previous marriage? Wouldn’t you want to know why they were holding on to it and begin to ask questions in your mind? Holding on to anything is not a great strategy to begin with, and it’s safe to let go of what isn’t serving you any longer.

Remember: “Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists.” A Course In Miracles. What is yours will always be yours.

This dress wasn’t ever really mine.


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Afraid of Union?