Only love matters

Jeff and Shaleia teach us that the purpose of our Harmonious Twin Flame Union is to live in harmony and communion with your Creator and your Twin Flame as One. Throughout most of my life, I imagined God to be mean, distant and unloving, not someone who cared about what I cared about, or wanted what I wanted. I imagined that God wanted to force me to love Him and eat green beans and no dessert in order to receive a pebble-sized ration of love. I didn't desire God for the longest time.

Jeff and Shaleia taught me through watching their classes that all my beliefs I ever held about God as an unloving being were absolutely false, and that I could clear these upsets with God with the Mirror Exercise and grow even closer to Him, and have a real and profound experience of His love.

I recently told God that I wanted an even closer relationship with Him in my Union and asked Him to assist me with going deeper. Soon after I made this decision, God came through. Somehow, I found myself surrendering in the Mirror Exercise in a degree to which I had never surrendered previously, like a whole new level or room in a chateau had been revealed: I felt this rich, juicy, deep peace within my heart, a feeling where I felt absolutely secure and loved in every possible way. Nothing else mattered except that I was loved. As well, I felt this love extending to Josh in a degree to which I had not felt previously. I was amazed that God could take me deeper into loving Him, and deeper into love in general, and I witnessed through experience how this love was extended. I was able to give of this love to others more than I had before.

All I can say to those that are here for the first time, you WILL get everything you desire, and God will follow through with what you ask. It is real, and if you have not had a positive relationship with the Divine in the past, I assure you, it will be healed completely with this work. I am so grateful to my teachers, Jeff and Shaleia and to their extending God's love to us all. Thank you!


You're WORTHY.


Love versus pressure