Love versus pressure

God revealed something very profound to me about Himself, how He works, how He loves.

I was taken back to a memory: We were off the coast of Bali, heading for an afternoon of snorkeling. As the boat approached our push-off point, I grew anxious, afraid of the murky depths of the unknown. Before it had even stopped, my former partner jumped off the boat, splashing the water and calling me to follow. I was not quite ready, a little frightened. "You're scared? Come on! Don't be a drag. We paid for this trip, so come on and don't spoil it, ok?"

I felt even more pressure, even more closed up. I wouldn't budge. "Fine, suit yourself," he said, and he paddled off, leaving me on the boat. The tour guide approached me. "Would you like to try to snorkle by the boat here a little?" I told the guide that I was scared of deep water. He said, "That's ok, we'll go nice and easy. Here. I can guide you."

He extended his hand, looking me straight in the eye. It felt warm, inviting. I took his hand. We took things step by step.

He guided me to put my mask in the water eyes closed. Then eyes opened. Then we let go of the boat and kicked a little, and he held my hand. I was still scared, shaking, but I was moving, kicking. We went a bit further. "OK, we're just going to go a bit more, you're ready now, see?" We were maybe 20 feet from the boat. He said, "I'd like you to try to open your eyes under water now, just for five seconds, because there's something beautiful for you to see there." I felt more trusting, so I accepted, and when I opened my eyes, what beauty I beheld! There were scores of sea horses, sea anemones, little horn fish, angel fish, and even a 'Nemo' (clownfish.) I had never seen anything so beautiful in all my life. My fear was entirely gone, and I was experiencing God's beauty and glory in the depths of the unknown... and the beauty of the feeling of having moved through my fear for the first time in my life. The snorkling guide never left my side, not even when I felt peaceful. We swam back to the boat together.

This memory came to me as I was healing through a fear I had that God was going to push me through some blocks, fear that He would get impatient with me and admonish or berate me for being afraid or resistant. Instead, through this memory, God reminded me of His ways - His loving and gentle and patient ways. In my memory, my former partner who jumped off the boat, belittled my fear, and swam away represented how I was impatient with myself and disrespectful of my state of process. I choose to release that way now. The boat guide was a physical representation of how God works with you through your healing, never pressuring, always there, even when you aren't even scared any more. He loves you, and he'll always be by your side encouraging you and moving at the perfect pace for you. I choose to work with God in my healing and trust Him because He loves me.

Let me guide you home to your life of perfect love. Try Twin Flame Ascension Coaching with me today.


Only love matters


Divine Feminine