Our First Christmas

Last year, I was not together with my Twin Flame. I wished for a Christmas with him, but couldn't see then how it could come to pass. But thanks to watching Twin Flame Ascension School and working with my Ascension Coach, I was able to love myself, persevere, and surrender all limiting beliefs about myself. I let go of results, and simply went all in committing to the support I required with the Teachings of Union.

I DID THE WORK. Just one year later, I am celebrating my very first Christmas with my Twin Flame, Josh.

If you're feeling alone, and not sure how you could manifest a Christmas - much less, a Forever - with your Beloved, I assure you, you will not be disappointed by claiming guidance and support.

I got to a place where I knew that my own efforts weren't getting me anywhere. I knew I had to change, but I didn't know how. I could have spun in circles waiting for years, decades - perhaps lifetimes - if I tried to do this by myself. But I had to make a new choice to have different results, and my choice was to trust that God had tools and support for me. It's safe to surrender to the tools and guidance in Twin Flame Ascension School and the Twin Flames Universe Coaches.

I did have to take a leap of faith, because before I chose to go all-in, I had these questions: "Would this work? Were these people legit? Would I be abandoned? Would they take me so far only to drop me off alone again?"

But through all the sample material that was offered for free, and all the examples of success, it was actually very easy for me to trust. In fact, the more guidance I received, the more I saw the Ascension Coaches continually show up in places where others had stopped, the more I felt silly for not claiming it sooner. It became so ridiculously obvious that if I didn't claim support, that would mean I was actively choosing to be separate from my Twin Flame, and I didn't want that. So I joined the school and worked with an Ascension Coach once per week.

My Harmonious Twin Flame Union was the MOST important thing to me, so I directed all my energy towards it. All-in effort yields all-in results.

It doesn't stop there; our Union has a structure and a pathway forward with the Teachings of Union's spiritual community and branches. I know and trust that I'll get to celebrate many more Christmases and that we will attain Permanent Harmonious Twin Flame Union - no more coming together and breaking apart.

This is all thanks to God for answering my prayers, letting me find Jeff and Shaleia, whose purpose and desire to give this Teaching of Union to us all. Thank you so much! We are eternally grateful. 🙏🙏🙏

Merry Christmas. 🎄🎄🎄

Leesie Mappes

I help Twin Flames out of separation and into Harmonious Union permanently.


Don't need to tolerate


Safe to receive <3