Safe to receive <3

Josh and I have really improved our whole life as a Union this year thanks to Twin Flame Ascension School. I feel like a billionaire in love! That's how wonderful it is to be with your Twin Flame when you have healed. You go deeper in love. You unfold your whole life with that love. I've started watching Life Purpose Class again. Today I watched LPC 2, all about pursuing opportunities of wealth and money. Jeff and Shaleia share in the class how to move forward in being supported in living your life purpose.

They explain how there is a relationship between your wealth and how much you give your gift to the world in the way the world values your gift. If you aren't feeling supported or allowing support, you're not going to feel like you can give to others. It's important to honor that you require to receive support in order to give, or you're going to feel a sense of burnout.

I recently discovered I has a block to receiving within. As a feminine, my energy not only receives, but it also abundantly overflows into the world as a result of having received. But the problem was, I wasn't allowing myself to receive. People would thank me, complement me, give me gifts and acts of service, but it was challenging for me to receive these blessings. As I went deeper, I realized I didn't feel worthy of receiving, and that was because of the negative attention I used to get when I would receive my good. So, I believed I would keep myself 'safe' by refusing to receive.

As I unpacked these belief systems in my consciousness with the Mirror Exercise, I realized that these false beliefs were not good for me. They also didn't make sense! I chose to let these beliefs go, and I chose to receive. It made sense to receive.

Of course I was worth it. And, if I'm to give my gift to the world, I must receive, to feel good. Giving your gift from a place of feeling good means the recipient of this gift feels good too.

When I made this new choice, I realized how abundant I actually was, and I began to relax. I saw just how abundantly generous Life Purpose Class was for me. That when I plugged in and watched it, it filled my cup and I felt so supported by Jeff and Shaleia in the class.

Whether you're in your Union or not, Life Purpose Class will help you. It's the answer to resolving the lack or poverty you are experiencing, and it will challenge you to claim your true wealth vibration and let go of outdated patterns and beliefs. You can watch the first three classes for free when you finish the free introductory Twin Flame Ascension Course. All is available here:

[Here's me and Josh on a beautiful sunset outing last night.]

Leesie Mappes

I help Twin Flames out of separation and into Harmonious Union permanently.

Our First Christmas


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