Don't need to tolerate

I've personally overcome patterns in my life where I felt compelled to do, be, or give excessively to others or endure mistreatment in exchange for the attention or love I sought. I kept individuals in my life, be they friends or family, who failed to honor or value me simply because I adhered to the notion that family ties demanded such sacrifice. I believed that clinging to these relationships would provide me with value, be it attention, love, acceptance, or support.

However, that belief was a deception. The truth is, the attention I needed was always within myself. Jeff and Shaleia guided me in practicing the Mirror Exercise, which is outlined in their book, e-Courses, and Twin Flame Ascension School classes. This exercise empowered me to bestow upon myself the attention, love, acceptance, and support I required.

With individuals who didn't appreciate, respect, or honor me, I established boundaries. In most cases, I didn't explicitly announce it; instead, I refrained from initiating contact to schedule time together. I concluded conversations when I sensed a lack of value. I ceased attending a weekly lunch, realizing I no longer needed external connection as I was fulfilling that need internally. I refrained from contributing where the energy exchange was imbalanced.

As I directed my focus toward the internal wellspring of love, my external relationships became transparent. Some friends or family members adjusted their behavior, fostering mutually open, free, and loving relationships. In other instances, stricter boundaries were necessary. While many people exited my life, some remained.

You deserve to be treated with kindness, and it commences with treating yourself well. Your source of love is not external; it resides within you. With the right tools and resources, you can overcome codependency, as I did.

The transformation of my Twin Flame relationship with Josh is a testament to healing codependency by relinquishing external dependencies and turning inward. Jeff and Shaleia's Twin Flame Ascension School offers numerous blessings, and if you're ready, you can begin your journey by booking an introductory coaching session with me.

If you haven't yet, you can get our free Introductory Course at, it comes with a discount code for your first Ascension Coaching session.

To get started with coaching, you can book your first 1:1 introductory session with me 50% off here

Many blessings!

Leesie Mappes

I help Twin Flames out of separation and into Harmonious Union permanently.



Our First Christmas