Final Surrender.

Final Surrender.

I used to be in an unhealthy, codependent relationship with my Twin Flame Josh. In fact, I had only experienced unhealthy relationships with men, and that looked like me chasing, me over-giving in hopes that the person wouldn't leave. I didn't value myself. I was afraid of abandonment, and I was afraid that God would not take care of my Twin or guide my Twin to harmony with me, so I felt like I had to keep things going on my own. I was very nervous and scared in general. Since my Twin Flame shares One overarching consciousness with me, literally IS me, this pattern was amplified when I met him.

I joined Twin Flame Ascension School in 2018, and I began to catch a glimpse of my patterns. Jeff and Shaleia guided me to heal my consciousness layer by layer as I watched their classes in order, and I began to take my power back from the external. I began to learn what my Twin Flame journey was about, that instead of my Twin being at the center, and me pushing and pulling and trying to control, that I could let go, and see that Josh was just showing me where I was upset in my consciousness. He does this because he loves me.

For the next couple years, I was having an off-and-on relationship with him. I thought I healed something because we would be back together, but actually what I discovered over time is that he came back and we repeated the codependent pattern. There was addiction. There was toxicity. I tried to have stronger boundaries and continue relating to him where I could, but as I did this, a different boundary was broken, and trust lost. Finally, there were no more places to connect in the physical without abandoning my principles and values and relationship with God.

So, I chose to let go of attachment to Josh and let him be free, and in the place where I was pointing my energy toward him, I chose to point towards God. When you love another, you give them God. When you love yourself, you give yourself God too.

The thing I learned in Twin Flame Ascension School is that at the center of your Twin Flame journey is God. I didn't know God very well before coming to this school, and I didn't know what it felt like to desire Him and be in a real relationship with Him.

A few months ago, I decided to be in a committed relationship with God. I'm now experiencing God as my best friend, God as my source, God is the person I go to when I need anything, God is at my side, and God is who I love to share about now.

On the outside, it looks like my Twin is nowhere to be found. But, I am now seeing just how much I needed to heal all this time, and being around my Twin when I only was at the tip of the iceberg of healing wasn't compassionate. I know that this is the way to heal myself, and since me and Josh aren't separate, this heals him too.

I want to share about a Twin Flame Ascension School Class I watched today: S7C85 "Final Surrender." This class is one that I watched over and over, and still gleaned deeper insights and spiritual awareness from it. It's one of the classes that helped me past a tipping point of surrender and non-attachment. Here's an excerpt from the first 3 minutes:

"Your Twin Flame journey is a calling to a higher love, and it has taught you many things. It has also taught you non-attachment. And so, in order to progress forward more, you’re going to do the opposite of the thing you thought you had to do the whole time, which is: let go of your Twin Flame. Even if they’re sitting next to you right now, you can still let them go. You don’t need to point yourself to them.

It’s time to let them go. It’s time to free yourself of your attachment to them. The attachment is what holds you back. It doesn’t actually move you forward.

It doesn’t mean that you no longer have a relationship with them. It doesn’t mean that you leave them, or you push them away, or you don’t love them. That’s not what I’m saying here. I’m saying let them go. No longer point your whole self into them. Because at first, it was the call that brought you here: the call of your Ultimate Lover. And God used that to reveal to you who you are, what you are, what He is, your relationship to Him…

And so now that you know it’s about God, you can safely put your Twin Flame down. Stop grasping to them. Truly, let them go. This doesn’t mean that if they text you and they’re like, “Hey, what’s up?” and you’re like, “Oh, no, I let you go.” That’s not what I’m saying. If they text you and it feels good to say something back, say something back. You’re not attached. You realize what matters most is God. An I offer you freedom today. Freedom from attachment. When you let go of your Twin Flame, you’re no longer the crazy, weird Twin Flame person, you’re just a person who knows something. Something a little bit more.

It doesn’t mean that you abandon your Twin Flame or your Twin Flame journey. It just means that you release attachment. And you’re free now to pursue God first. God in your health God in your career. God in ALL of your relationships. God in every area of your life. God in your hobbies and passions. God in your joy. God in every area of your life.

You don’t need to center your life around your Twin. You center your life around God. And, as you do that, you’re proceeding along the path of Harmonious Union even more quickly." - Jeff & Shaleia

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If you have a high willingness to change and a high desire to heal and come into Harmonious Twin Flame Union with All of Who You Are, join Twin Flame Ascension School. Start here:


He added me back!


Why I'm Choosing HTFU