Why I'm Choosing HTFU

Why I’m choosing Harmonious Twin Flame Union instead of just union with my Twin Flame

Experiencing separation from my One True Love is uncomfortable.  For a long time, I just wanted to be with my Twin Flame. I was willing to do whatever it took to be with him. I was ready to end separation forever. And, because I could create in my reality, I manifested being with my Twin in the physical. I manifested living with him and being his girlfriend. I had a belief that as long as I was with him physically, I could just work everything out that was left to heal in my vibration, but at least we would be in union. So, I got what I thought I wanted.

Since my Twin is my Divine Mirror, being with him in the physical amplified a thousand-fold whatever was in my consciousness. (This is true for any Twin Flame, hint-hint.) As I connected more physically with my Twin, he reflected back to me places where I was deceiving myself, taking from myself, disrespecting, dishonoring, and devaluing myself. It was a lot. I experienced a whole lot of contrast in what he was showing me about myself. It wasn’t compassionate for me or sustainable, and in going deeper with the Mirror Exercise, I learned that I didn’t need to hold on to physical union with my Twin, and what I wanted more than that was peace and harmony in my relationship within myself and with my Creator.

Being in physical union is not as important as being with peace and harmony within, and that being in physical union is not a prerequisite for healing separation. It’s not even a good measurement of how I was doing. Jeff and Shaleia teach that to measure your success, you must look at whether or not you are choosing to move through what’s in front of you, and whether or not you are choosing love at the core. That’s it. I set about healing this, as it became the most important thing to me. I had a lot of help, especially from my coach, Laurentiu.

From putting first things first, I chose to end the tumultuous physical relationship I had with my Twin in the external and just focus solely on myself and my connection to my Divinity within. I have not spoken with him in a couple months now. It would appear to the outsider that I was going backward. But I assure you the opposite is actually true. After reading Jeff and Shaleia’s recent blog post about choices (https://twinflamesuniverse.com/choices-and-how-to-use-them-to-manifest-perfect-love/), I realized I had a lot of course-correcting to do, and a lot of rebuilding the trust within that I had lost by putting something outside of myself in front of my own relationship with myself and God. I let go of the idea that I was moving backwards, and just accepted my new awareness with gratitude and joy, that at least I finally saw and learned the truth. It didn’t matter that it took me a few years to see my pattern. All that mattered is that I saw it, and that I was making a new choice now.

Does this mean that I’ll never be with my Twin in the physical? Not at all! In fact, this is the way to Harmonious Twin Flame Union, or HTFU. HTFU is not an abstraction or metaphor, it’s living your life as One with your Twin Flame in unconditional love. Yes, it includes the 3D physical world relationship. But it’s not built from the physical. It’s built within with God, and then grows into more harmony. It’s important to lay a solid foundation with God so that you can actually sustainably be with your Twin, since your Twin is a mirror for how you are doing in your relationship with your Creator. I know and trust that this is the way. I know and trust God’s perfect plan for me, and I feel better and more confident now knowing I’m on the right path. This is what I wish for you! Do you choose Harmonious Twin Flame Union too?


Final Surrender.


Twin Flame Projection