TF's & Video Games

When I first started playing video games, I wouldn't ask for help. I wouldn't go on YouTube and watch playthroughs because I felt like it was 'cheating' or it made me believe it took the fun out of doing it on my own. I had the idea that I would feel prouder of myself if I did it "all on my own."

The same was true with my Twin Flame journey. I didn't want help from anyone. I felt like receiving support meant I was a failure. Furthermore, I didn't trust that anyone could help me in a real way.

But this isn't true at all! Support is not only extremely helpful, but it's next to impossible to do without it. My coaches Laurentiu and Alexandra Benzar taught me that part of gaming is to in fact watch the playthroughs and look things up online. It's not cheating, it's part of gaming community. It's like those that came before have carved out a bit of path so you don't have to toil, or reinvent the wheel, and can have more fun that way.

My new favorite game is called Nightmare Craft, by Jeff and Shaleia's Divine Gaming. here-->

It's an Adventure Role-Playing Game where you're the main character trying to defeat the dark forces of zombies, werewolves, and … defeat evil itself! --I love it!

But for a while, I was stuck. The first part is a challenging obstacle course with werewolves at your heels, and you must avoid sharks, tarantulas, zombies, and the like. Hey! Watch out for those glue-y spiderwebs!

The first goal is to get to safety. I must have died about a hundred times. I would hit the spiderwebs or fall through a hole in a bridge and get eaten by a shark. Yet I was determined to persevere.

Then, I got stuck in a mini-maze. I probably died twenty more times. I was still determined to do it, but I noticed my heart getting a bit dismal at having died over and over. How could I get out of the maze? I kept landing on those spiders that ate me. I was losing motivation.

I noticed that this frustration was the same feeling I had felt on my Twin Flame journey sometimes. I knew it wasn't loving towards myself to allow myself to stay in this feeling. So I claimed support when I felt stuck in the game, just like I claimed support when I joined Twin Flame Ascension School when my Twin Flame journey wasn't going anywhere.

I remembered that Shaleia had streamed playing NMC. I went to her channel, and I watched her complete the first sequence. I heard her laughing as her character was eaten, and Jeff cheered her on. Her joy at seeing these zombies as nothing, and just restarting fresh with a zeal for victory was contagious. I saw how she got stuck in the spider pit, but easily found the passage on her next round through. I felt new enthusiasm and confidence from learning from Shaleia and watching her pave the way.

I reopened my game launcher and within five attempts, remembering how Shaleia did it, I succeeded in getting past the maze, and before I knew it, I was riding a magical, shimmering unicorn in a dream world in the game. I felt so much more relaxed and joyful playing, and it didn’t feel like I was ‘cheating’ to watch someone go first. It felt more like it made sense and was the smarter, logical thing to do!

The only way I was able to pass through this challenge with ease was because I chose to receive support. It was pretty dismal without the leg up that Shaleia’s stream provided, especially since I’m a relatively new gamer.

The same principle I learned here applies to your Twin Flame journey. It’s very difficult and even painful at times to try to do it without support. If you’re tired of feeling stuck on your journey, consider joining Jeff and Shaleia’s Twin Flame Ascension School! Just like me watching Shaleia’s stream and seeing her pave the way, Jeff and Shaleia paved the way in a big way for all of us on our Twin Flame journey. They did the work so we wouldn’t have to face the zombies… er I mean challenges to the same degree they did.

I mean, you can try doing it the hard way, if you like that kind of thing. But I don’t. I highly, strongly, definitely, positively, 100% (you’ll thank me, I promise!) encourage you to join their school! Here’s a link to check it out:


Love, simply.


So Thankful