So Thankful

Happy Thanksgiving to my gurus and spiritual teachers, Jeff and Shaleia! I have a lot to be grateful for today. I would not have moved through my cancer treatment as successfully or as gracefully as I did without them and their system of work and the community that surrounds it. They provide me a nurturing web of support and a healthy environment for me to feel safe, loved, and supported so that my body could partner with the doctors to heal cancer, and beyond that, to live my very best life.

In Jeff and Shaleia’s Twin Flame Ascension School, ( I learned how to have a healthy primary partnership. I learned what it meant to truly love myself and have a real relationship with my Creator (I say God.) And most of all, to truly value myself. For a long, long time I didn’t know that I wasn’t valuing myself at all in relationships. I would over-give, and put up with being treated badly, and even used to stay in abusive relationships much longer than I needed to all because that’s all I felt I got in life and I used to settle. Twin Flame Ascension School taught me how to be satisfied and even enjoy being with myself and to see myself as a Divine being. I felt like myself again. Confident and joyful. And having nothing less than real, loving relationships in my life.  And, best of all, as an Ascension Coach, I get to help others have this too!

Jeff and Shaleia also created the Mind Alignment Process (MAP.) I chose to go through MAP when I learned that I had cancer. Because of MAP, what could have been a traumatic experience – surgery and 6 rounds of chemo – wasn’t! It was challenging, but not deeply traumatic because I had this support.

Jeff and Shaleia’s Divine Dish is an entire system of healing my relationship with food and nutrition. Through Divine Dish, I was able to have fun in the kitchen and create. It really uplifted me once my treatment was complete. Oh, the joy of cooking! Preparing these nourishing, healthy meals gave me a sense of normalcy throughout my daily life. Cancer? Wait, I had cancer? 😉

Jeff and Shaleia’s Divine Gaming has produced a wonderful new game called Nightmare Craft. It’s completely awesome and will blow your socks off! Nightmare Craft uses the Minecraft platform, and takes you through a series of challenges that gradually increase in complexity, where you’re the Hero of the Ages and you defeat evil in all its forms all across the land. I started playing NMC and realized that this is a video game that is both rich in its development, highly intelligent and intuitive, and So. Much. Fun. Of course it is. Jeff and Shaleia are behind it.

Jeff and Shaleia created a church for those on the Ascension Path of Lovers, and their teachings of Union, called 'Unionism.’ The Church of Union has married several Twin Flames in Harmonious Union, and serves as a place of worship through service for all those who feel the call to share the message of love, union, and peace with the world. I feel at home and with a purpose in the Church of Union, where I serve as a greeter on Sundays, as well as an Ascension Coach Trainer for the Ascension Coach Training Program. Serving God and humanity through my purpose is the biggest blessing of all.

In October, I had an opportunity to meet Jeff and Shaleia again in Sedona, AZ for an Ascension Workshop (Ascension is what we call releasing all that which is *not* loving and surrendering into Love’s truth of all of who you really are, your true Divine nature.) It was between my 4th and 5th round of chemo. I wanted to be around them and their community, as it’s become my spiritual family, and also desired to be around my colleagues and fellow Ascension Coaches.

I showed up thirty pounds heavier than I was last time I saw everyone, and with a wig and no eyebrows and lashes. I was in between my 4th and 5th rounds of chemo, and had received the Neulasta shot to trigger my white blood cell production in my bone marrow, which is painful. Having no ovaries anymore, I had hot flashes about once per hour. But I didn’t care about all of this, and none of it mattered compared to the spiritual pilgrimage I was making.

Sedona was the birthplace of Jeff and Shaleia’s Harmonious Twin Flame Union and Twin Flames Universe because it is where Jeff and Shaleia first met in person, and where Shaleia learned the Mirror Exercise from her late spiritual teacher. Jeff and Shaleia were the ones who realized the true power of this exercise, and its incredible potency to heal your Twin Flame Union. They honed it and refined it and practiced it and attained Harmonious Twin Flame Union through it.

After the first day of the workshop, some of their students lined up for a photo with them on a balcony with  beautiful red rock backdrop. I remember waiting on the stairs for my turn to walk up to meet them. As soon as I saw them, I burst into tears. I felt like I had come home finally, felt such a relief. That I had worked so hard climbing a difficult mountain, and made it to the top. I hugged Shaleia and shared how beautiful she looked, and then I hugged Jeff. I felt I knew them for all of my life, maybe lifetimes before. My tears of joy couldn’t stop flowing, and I didn’t know how I would take a nice photo. But then Jeff Rick-Rolled me (LOL!) He has a pure sense of humor, I love it so much! So, I smiled for the photo.

Jeff and Shaleia continue to love and guide all their students perfectly. Recently, they donated a large sum to my go-fund-me to support the financial repercussions from healing cancer. They wanted me to have a beautiful, healthy stable life of love, joy and peace. I had recently found a home to live in by miracle, and their gift helped me feel so relieved. This relief multiplied and expanded into my confidence and energy returning to me little by little. This allowed me to flourish in my creativity and to give the gift of who I am, and to share the love I received from them and their work with others.

I feel so blessed and lucky to know them, and am so grateful to have them and their work in my life.

What to do next?

It’s important to keep choosing love, and healing, over fear and separation. You may struggle letting go of these thought patterns and coming closer to your Twin Flame, but I can help you! If you’re ready to transform your Love Life with your Twin Flame, book an introductory session with me!

If you'd like to begin right away, you can register for a private coaching group here.

I have a special deal where you can get 50% off your first 60-min Ascension Coaching session with me.  All you need to do is sign up for the Free Twin Flame Ascension Introductory Course with Twin Flames Universe. If you've already done this, even better!

Once you receive your first lesson via email, you can then book your introductory session with me, with the 50% discount already applied here.

If you can see what a difference they have made in my life, check out the links to all their systems, and try them for yourself. They are for everyone, the whole world.


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Twin Flame Mirroring